[quote]Would taking a trip to 'inspect' the new forward airbase during one of her breaks with Spirit be too free-spirited for a person on the alert-crew?[/quote] Well, considering alert means you need to be standing by your aircraft ready to scramble, it'd be kind of irresponsible. Also, I hadn't really planned on any of the A-37's being in serviceable condition. If you want one that badly, change your aircraft to an A-37 and I'll write it in. [quote]Can anyone recommend a good dropper bottle? my paints keep drying up.... and I also need some good dropper bottles for my Minitaire paints I'm going to be getting[/quote] I don't use dropper bottles - I have screw-top jars for my Tamiya paints, and if I'm brush-painting I use a palette with a small amount of paint, and do the jar up in-between uses. If I'm using GW paints (I use their metallics on occasion, and I'm using up the last of their other paints I have left over from my wargaming days), then I do the same: use a palette with a small amount, and close the jar between uses. I bought the palette from a cheap budget shop that had some art supplies. You can use old tiles, an old plate, or anything else similar. Even an old plastic lid from a tub works. When it comes to modelling tips, btw, for wargaming or otherwise, Google is your friend. I've picked up loads and loads of useful tips on using household items for modelling that avoids spending hundreds (if not more) of pounds on overly expensive specific kit.