[color=9e0b0f]"Afternoon!"[/color], the old man greeted, almost excitedly, reacting to all the daily salutations he'd receive from the townspeople when up for his scheduled morning jog. Taking a hike around the Modern City park, paying a visit to some of the city's famous landmarks and then stopping in front of the nursing home where his Mother, and his only family as of yet, was facilitated. Such a prolonged trip would totally destroy a lesser man, however Lance had previously inhaled a healthy dose of chemicals which increased his stamina and physical strength. As a matter of fact, the only thing preventing him from completing his itinerary in about 10 minutes was the fact that it would arouse suspicion, and that's the last thing he wanted. Plus, he enjoyed the small talk he'd squeeze out of some of his acquaintances. Pausing in front of the nursing home, barely sweating, he ran his fingers through his graying hair and made sure that he wouldn't appear before his Mum looking like a slouch. Even at the considerable age of 57, he still saw himself as a Momma's boy. Confidently making his way into the living room which, as expected, was crowded with old people, his eyes moved around until he singled out an old woman seated on an armchair and knitting. She was your standard urban Mom; short gray hair, glasses and rocking a pair of white, silk pajamas. Putting on a smirk, he grabbed a stool to his right then approached her, maintaining the same pace. It was not only 'till he placed the stool near her that she actually noticed the scruffy man standing above. Shifting her sight back at her garment, seemingly unimpressed, she exclaimed "You know, you don't have to visit me every day." [color=9e0b0f]"It's not big deal. I'm just checking up on you"[/color], Lance responded, already used to her bickering. She had gotten grumpy after reaching her 70s, but still maintained the adorableness. "Well, you shouldn't.", she rapidly came back, a noticeable voice crack occurring as she did. She then proceeded, her tone getting calmer while she simultaneously resumed knitting. "It's not like there's going to be a robbery in a nursing home.", her last sentence made it obvious that she was well aware of his secret identity. Unfazed, Lance chortled at Francis' grumpiness, putting his hand on her shoulder before adding [color=9e0b0f]"I'd pity the robber who would choose you as a victim. I don't think anyone deserves to be subjected to your wrath."[/color] Lance's last sentence got his Mom lightened up too, as she smiled at his little joke. It wasn't a lasting smile - more like a blink and you'll miss it moment, but Lance caught it and knew that he finally cracked her shell. She remained serious for the duration of their daily conversation, then it was time for old man Furlong to change his attire and get down to attending real business. His escapades as the vigilante "Shepherd" got the mayor worried. and he had to do something about it. He needed to assert that he wouldn't pose a threat in the future. But how?