"Alright everybody! Time to make things BIG!" said James, growing nearer the tournament ring. "You've seen everybody fight! Now let's s-" he was cut off however, at the sound of a pitter patter of feet, and a single shout. "WAIT WAIT WAIT!" was screamed from the mouth of a scrawny man who had just been given the news. "There's two new guys here.." they said, as they came up to James. "Well they're late they c... Ah whatever, bring em in.." he said, the scrawny man handing him a paper and waddling away. "Sorry for the delay everybody! And now! For the final fight of the beginning few! Maximuuuus! VERSUS! Arnold Lenard Strong-Arm?" he said, his voice trailing off at the end. He would shame his head, hand hands in the air as he waited for both opponents to step into the ring. He was quite ready for things to get more heated, and despite all the fun is was having, it was taking longer than he first thought it would. No matter, the possible yield in cash from this tourney would be grand, he was sure of it.