Daishin ran his hand through his hand with a sigh. Resorting to his roar so early in the competition was the last thing he wanted to do. His opponent wasn't the most challenging he could have faced but he didn't account for his tenacity and let his guard down. [color=lightslategray][i]If that was the person I'm looking for I'd probably be dead, roar or no roar...[/i][/color] The thought made him grip the bench beneath him causing it to splinter. Watching the subsequent matches he knew if he had to use the roar so early then he had his work cut out for him. All the competitors were skilled in their own right. Maybe none more so than the girl who gave her opponent a hair cut in front of the crowd. Watching her--the precision in her technique, her speed--Daishin fought using his instinct but how far could that get him against an foe like her. The more he dwelled on it the more his desire to find out grew. This thirst for battle was something he never knew until he left out on his search. His thoughts were interrupted by the fighter in the pointed hat. Daishin didn't register what Seji had said at first. Despite his show of sportsmanship earlier he wasn't here to make small talk with the competition. [color=lightslategray]"Sorry if I seem rude but I'd rather not-wait what did you say!?"[/color] Daishin jumped to his feet staring intently at the man before him.