[quote=idlehands] As Kaga said, it's marketing to the lowest common denominator. It's not just that men like attractive women, because women like attractive women. What gets me is that the oversexualization. Like a game where the higher level you get, the less armor your female character wears. The 'bikini' armor, it's a joke, while male characters get all sorts of heavy gear. I don't play many games, but I've seen it in WoW, Rift, and Guild Wars, mostly fantasy based games. Emphasis on the fantasy part. I play Lord of the Rings Online, which is more realistic looking and the female characters, aside from cosmetic dresses, wear the same armor as the men. So if you're tanking, you're in full plate and helm, rather than a ridiculous iron g-string. That game also has an older demographic and it's pretty much split 50-50 when it comes to the sex of the gamer. I enjoy that game partly because my female character doesn't have to look like a floozy. I mean, there is one thing to look attractive and another to look like stripper. It's few and far between that you can find this though.I thought about mentioning this as well. Though my point is that they still get treated better in the costuming department. [/quote] Ever play Tera?