"I said we're surrounded by world class talent. These labs don't take in just any old schmuck to train. You beat out myself and my IQ sits at 175, that's nothing to scoff at." Dani said looking at her. She was concerned about Alexis's self esteem level and what she thought about her skill. "And to stop you from asking why i'm not solving world hunger or getting humanity into space faster or some other shit that people with high IQ's are usually known for, i realized a long time ago that even with a mental capacity and potential such as my own, i shouldn't waste time on things that don't make me happy. I'm still a kid and i know that i won't be this age forever, so i should enjoy it while i can instead of studying to get into somewhere that'll just drown me in more school work, which i don't enjoy and posses a rather large hatred for." she said with a giggle, but shook it off. "You are good, you just need to believe in yourself and that you can get better. I see it in you, hell, i see us fighting on the world stage at one point." the girl said with a smile while looking up at her. "So if you don't try to improve yourself and i don't see you at that tournament next year, you'll have to live with that fact you were beaten by a cripple who's a highschool dropout." she said with a joking tone, trying to suppress her giggling.