[b]Name:[/b] Edmund 'Mundy' Conagher [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian - Australian [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Mundy]Mundy stands at a tall 6 foot 2 and weighs around 185lbs. He has an athletic physique and keeps this physique up by visitng the gym almost every day. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d5/f6/07/d5f6071c3658444112781a264a47ae4f.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Confidential] [b]Alias: None as of yet[/b] [b]Costume:[/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/052/1/2/dennis_hotline_miami_by_muradenayet-d8iykrv.jpg[/img] [b]Meta-Human Power:[/b] Mundy is able to phase through any solid object in the world. He also has slight super strength. [b]Weaknesses or Side-Effects:[/b] He is essentially human other than his powers. Which means bullets and the like can still be fatal to him and if he phased through a wall in a skyscraper and there was nothing on the other side, he would surely fall to his death. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Mundy is essentially what you'd call a psychopath. He finds it extremely hard to maintain any relationships and is incredibly antisocial. That being said, he can maintain a few friendships for extended periods of time depending on the person. He lacks a moral responsibility on what is good and what is bad, but he has learned from experience and generally can do the right thing most of the time. That being said, his methods are less than ethical. He is very vain and cares greatly about his appearance. [b]Background:[/b] Edmund 'Mundy' Conagher was born in Adelaide, Australia. As a young boy, his father would often take Mundy into the outback to go hunting, often to sell the hides and such for a little extra cash. Mundy didn't do great in school and would often skip school to go and play football with other children who had also skipped school. As a teenager he began to take greater care for his body and essentially became much vainer than he ever had been. He also began to pay more attention in school as the looming threat of the real world and the potential to be put into some shitty office job. He passed his first exams and barely passed his highers but failed his advanced highers. He managed to get a job as a tour guide until he had raised enough money to pick up and leave Adelaide. He moved to America in his early 20s, specifically Modern City, Georgia. He bought an apartment there and got a job as a technician for Modern Stadium. He mostly just fiddles about with the lights and fixes any technical errors, but it pays well and he can't complain. Around his mid 20s he began to feel far different than he ever had before. Like he needed to hunt again, it started with him going hunting deer and the like, but grew and grew until the only thing he can think of to hunt now are people. Of course, not any civilians or anything, but gangsters and the like are fair play. On the day of the explosion, Mundy was out picking up supplies for a fishing trip he had planned to go on in the recent future, of course, things didn't go to plan. [b]Other:[/b]