[b]Leif– His apartment > Diner[/b] Early mornings had never been his strong suit, even when he spent most nights prowling around on all fours. Really, you’d think that after becoming a wolf, you’d acquire some instinct that allowed you to function properly before 9am. That wasn’t the case with Leif, who was already bumbling obscenities as he pulled on a clean pair of jeans. He’s had to wake up at this time every morning for the last two or more months, and yet he still couldn’t manage to adjust. Whatever, he thought, he’ll just use it as an excuse to stop in at the diner for coffee before heading out. It was only about 7-something am, so the sun had only just begun to peek out from underneath his thick, starched curtains, lighting the room just faintly enough for him to manage without knocking something over. After a few more minutes of tugging on clothing and minor hair fluffing, Leif meandered through his bedroom door, down the darkened hall, and into the apartment’s tiny kitchen. His hands greedily reached for a bag of bagels on the counter and quickly tugged one out, shoving it in between his jaws like a dog with a bone—he laughed at bit at the irony—and then headed for the front door. His apartment sat just a few blocks from the local diner, so the walk was never long. The sidewalks were just beginning to fill up with people around this time in the morning, which Leif actually found kind of nice. He’d only moved in and begun to talk to people in town recently, so he hadn’t had the chance to piss anyone off yet; the yet hung in his head for just a moment more and he smirked somewhat sullenly before turning off the sidewalk and through the diner doors. He was quick about where he chose to sit, favoring a booth towards the back wall, by a window. He smirked at anyone who caught his eyes while he walked to the open booth, sliding in quickly and waited for a waitress to come along. ~ ~ ~ [b]Lucio – his apartment[/b] Lucio was up pretty early this morning, early enough to catch the sun just as it began peeking over the horizon, and early enough to catch the familiar howl of his pack leader on the wind. He’d spent the whole time awake in his garage, working on a neighbors busted up lawn mower as a favor he’s been meaning to return. It was how he preferred to begin his mornings anyway—working, and then relaxing with breakfast. As if the pure mention of breakfast brought it, right on time, the house door cracked open just an inch and a small head of matted down curls poked out. “Dad, I’m hungry.” Came the tired chirp of his son, Lucio, who was still half wrapped in a forest green comforter. Lucio’s attention was drawn immediately to the child, and he promptly smiled softly. “What ya want for breakfast, huh bud?” Lucio began, rubbing his grease stained hands into a handkerchief before heading over and scooping the small boy up, heading for the kitchen. Said child poked at his cheek for a moment before mumbling out that he wanted pancakes and sausage. Lucio quickly set the child down in one of the counter chairs and quickly began to get things started, letting the little boy chat his ear off the whole time. He isn’t sure exactly where his son, Draco, gets all his energy so early in the morning, but he’s always thought it was funny; he swore sometimes the kid was more on point than most alarm clocks. “Mm, Dad, les go outside today.” Draco chirped after Lucio set a plate of pre-cut pancakes and sausage down in front of him, making the father smirk a bit curiously. “Outside? Where do ya wanna go, buddy?” Lucio asked before preparing his own plate. Draco took a moment to reply, minding the manners his father taught him and not talking with a mouth full of food. “To the Moon House.” He smiled happily. He’d been calling the manor that since he could speak, and it never ceased to make his father laugh a bit. “I wana play n’ the garden.” He continued between bites of pancake. Draco’d always liked being outdoors, and the garden behind the manor was his absolute favorite place, even as winter neared. “If you can be good and wait for dad to finish work, then we’ll go, alright bud?” Lucio offered, hoping he could get his neighbor’s lawn mower fixed before the end of the day.