A good handful of people had gathered, and [i]still[/i] more arrived. Having shown up somewhat later than the others, Chess couldn't really throw around too much fuss at the matter, but he'd been there a time and was beginning to wonder just how many people they were waiting on. The chauffeur didn't seem too pleased by the goings-on, or perhaps just the people around. It didn't bother Chess much either way, mutant or not, the tall driver was just that, a driver, the help, peanut gallery fodder. He eyed the newcomer, thin parasol angled over his shoulder to block out the harsher beams of the sun. Cute, artsy, maybe the theater type? He saw the boy's eyes wander to the most peculiar-looking of their little entourage, the gorgon-y woman, and he wondered if perhaps she wasn't the only one with some sort of defect -or rather, [i]mutation[/i] he supposed. [quote=@Tyler] [b]Does, uh... Anyone have a light?[/b][/quote] Chess let a tiny groan slip from his throat when he heard that, though he banked on his distance from the boy to dampen the volume. He smoked, pity, the cute ones always smoked. Interest lost, he turned his attention back to book in his hands, a nice little collection of seafaring plays. While they were all yet suspended in limbo, Chess had decided that he would refrain from giving his grand introduction until they arrived at the so called Institute, or at least until they got on the bus. However long his patience lasted, really.