I realize that there are already both a Mechanoid and Feline race, but this is an old race of mine that I have yet to fully explore, and I would love the chance to do so. [hider=The United Fleet]Name of nation: The Democratic Nomadic Union of the Galfan, Levinti and Straln Peoples Species: [hider=Galfan] Appearance: Male: [img]http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk72/thoughtfoxx/Pariah-03.jpg[/img] Female: [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/014/0/5/necron___lordess_____recoloured_by_addan_shem-d3hewwj.jpg[/img] Racial Traits: [b]Mechanoid Physiology[/b]: Being that they are sentient machines, they all possess almost unlimited stamina. Though they suffer wear and tear, they can function almost indefinitly. They have improved themselves to be able to run on most forms of electricity. [b]Robots do not have souls[/b]: The worst insult a Galfan can hear is being called a Robot. They are not Robots, they are sentient mechanoids, or synthetic life-forms, and possibly Android. Calling one a Robot is a quick way to lose every tooth in your head. They possess the same level of emotion and intelligence as any organic life-form. They believe that they have souls, and so, cannot be robots. [/hider] [hider=Levinti] Appearance: Male: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/trek/outlawstar0/images/ctarl3.jpg[/img] Female: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/363/e/1/outlaw_star___random_ctarl_heads_004_by_groovechamp_slappy-d5pl1xz.jpg[/img] Racial Traits: [b]Feline[/b]: Incredibly flexible creatures, better than average sense of smell. The problem is that this means that they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box, they generally possess very short attention spans, as such, the term "Levinti Scientist" Is almost never heard. The average Levinti will choose to smash their way through problems, rather than think around them. [b]Metamorphic[/b]: It is believed that, due to the radioactivity of their original planet, they have began to evolve at a severely increased rate, some have shown the power to transform into a more feral form.[/hider] [hider=Straln] Appearance: Male: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/306/b/f/colored_squat_by_nachomon-d320epc.jpg[/img] Female: [img]http://vbulletin.ultimaonline-freeshard.de/image.php?u=10400&type=profile[/img] Racial Traits: [b]Short[/b]: The tallest of Straln are only about 4'1, but they are proud people. Never make reference to their height. [b]Mechanical Genius'[/b]: The Straln, like the others, were originally slaves to The Old Ones. They were prized as builders and mechanics. There is even some evidence to suggest that they were the original builders and designers of the early Galfans.[/hider] Description of government: The Government is a republic with 2 Senates. Each Residential zone has it's own Senator that stands for their own residential zone in the Civilian Senate. The Military Senate is made of the heads of the military branches, as well as 7 members if the Navy, each being the most senior officer of a Solus-class Command Dreadnought (Usually an Admiral, but sometimes a Captain.) In order to pass any piece of legislation, both senates must turn out a 51% agreement, each. Every year, one of the members of each Senate is elected to be their representative. The Leader of the Civilian Senate is the Chancellor, whereas the leader of the Military Senate is Supreme Commander. Although the Supreme Commander is decided by all of the Captains the military voting for who takes this place, the Chancellor is chosen completely at random. Description of military: The Military is ran by the Military Senate. The Senate is comprised of the commanding officers of the Solus-class Command Dreadnoughts. Each Military Senator is in command of one of the 7 fleets. 6 fleets each guard a side of the planet, the sides and poles, whilst the 7th is in charge of scouting ahead of Primaris' path. [hider=List of Starships]-[url=http://rpggamer.org/uploaded_images/fighter_starfury.jpg]C-MVF8 "Starfury" Multi-Vector Fighter.[/url]- The "Starfury" is a multi-vector fighter build for speed and maneuverability. they have 4 engines at each wingtip with multiple thrusters, allowing it to fly with the fuselage facing almost any direction. Although this maneuverability comes at the cost of fire-power, it's only armemants are a pair of laser cannons bellow the cockpit. There are 2 varients: The [url=http://www.isnnews.net/hyperspace/ea/eafury-c_lg1.jpg]Stealth-fury[/url] is equipped with sensor jammers, making it invisible to most forms of sensors. They are used by the Special Forces. The [url=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120104103254/starships/images/d/d0/Heavy_Fury_2a.jpg]Heavy Starfury[/url] is equipped with AA missiles as well as a tail-gunner, primarily used as Squadron leaders and primary fighters carried aboard "The Big Seven" -[url=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071109033432/starfox/images/e/e0/Wolfen.jpg]C-WF7 "Chaser" High-Speed Intercept Fighter.[/url]- The Chaser is a high speed interception fighter, though lacking the maneuverability of the Starfury, few fighters can match the raw speed of the Chaser, they were built to support their faster vessels. The Chaser is equipped to take down fighters and attack larger vessels like mosquito's dodging in and out of their AA weapons and dealing small amounts of damage each. They are armed with heavy laser cannons and anti-ship missiles. -[url=http://www.oocities.org/unicron2.geo/fighter3.gif]C-AB9 "Sunburster" Assault Bomber.[/url]- The assault bomber of the Unions navy. The Sunburster is a Levinti designed bomber, meant to deal serious damage to vessels and instillations alike. They are equipped with the "Ground burster bomb" that is specifically designed to punch through the heaviest armour, the large explosion is complemented by a quick-evaporating, highly corrosive acid to eat through hulls. -[url=http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/xlarge/vendetta.jpg]C-TG "Orca" Transport Gunship[/url]- The Orca is a Levinti designed Transport Gunship. It is capable of carrying 2 squads of soldiers, as well as a large complement of heavy weapons. 4 twin-light partical cannons and an Assault Cannon at the front, as well as 3 surrogate Assault Cannons, one on each side as well as one on the back ramp. -[url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131226230930/yamato/images/d/d4/Gelvades_Battlecarrier.jpg]C-BC "Behemoth-Class Battlecarrier."[/url]- The Behemoth is a Galfan designed battlecarrier, notable for it's combat abilities, as soon as it has launched its complement of fighters, the flight-deck at the top rotates over to reveal multiple Heavy Partical batteries. -[url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/181/4/9/Gideon_Rear_view_by_InfiniteExistence.jpg]C-CV "Solus-Class Command-Dreadnought"[/url] These were a joint venture between the three races. Each is 8 miles long, with multiple Super-Heavy Partical cannon emplacements. many more heavy partical cannon batteries and hundreds of AA gun emplacements as well as several hangars for fighters. They even have a large hangar, capable of bringing even a Vaarta inside for repairs, each is a fortress in its own right. There are 7 of these ships, known as "The Big Seven" B.F.S. 1 Solus, B.F.S. 2 Covinus, B.F.S. 3 Protoris, B.F.S. 4 Gideon, B.F.S. 5 Xenedus, B.F.S. 6 Ulisis and B.F.S. 7 Orrocus. -[url=http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1229/b5tech_2962367.jpg]C-FC "Gredigan-Class Carrier"[/url]- The Gredigan is a Straln designed carrier, capable of carrying 20 squadrons of fighters. The only weapons it carries is a pair of Partical cannons, and 5 AA gun emplacements so that it can double as a support ship. -[url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100412110058/starships/images/1/1d/Gorg_battleship.jpg]C-HSC "Yorktown-class Heavy Support cruiser"[/url]- The Yorktown is a Straln designed Heavy Support cruiser, possessing 30 long-range missile emplacements. They have heavy armour, but are slow, their main purpose is to protect the flanks of a fleet and rain missiles upon enemy ships at range. -[url=http://scifidesktopwallpapers.com/wp-content/uploads/wallpapers/Star%20Trek/Akira-Class-Ship-Star-Trek.jpg]C-LSD "Akira-class Light Support Destroyer"[/url]- The Akira is a fast gunship, possessing a single particle cannon and a pair of long-range missile launchers, taking much the same role as the Yorktown, only for faster moving fleets. -[url=http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/16/15666/Battleship.jpg]C-CB "Vaarta-class Battleship"[/url]- The Vaarta is of Straln design and acts as the backbone of the fleet, Carrying multiple Heavy partical cannon batteries and a squadron of fighters. -[url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090610115812/memoryalpha/en/images/6/60/Klingon_Bird-of-Prey.jpg]Kavrt-class Rapid-attack Gunboat.[/url]- The Kavrt is a Levinti designed Rapid-attack gunboat, built to take heavy weapons into the middle of a battle at great speed. Deliver its payload and then get away with minimal damage. They are also equipped with a Cloaking Device. -[url=http://lh5.ggpht.com/-D395c-kFyLY/UuwbVO283rI/AAAAAAAAAxw/Lb0EfwnI6Vg/s1600/romulan-dyson-science-destroyer%25255B77%25255D.jpg]Surak-class Spec-Ops cruiser[/url]- The Surak is not an official part of the Navy. It is a vessel reserved for the Secret service and comes equipped with the most advanced Technology in the entire Fleet, including a Cloaking Device, E.M.P. cannons and Holo-projectors. [center][b]Defunct Vessels:[/b] A list of ships that were formerly in Military use, but have been/are currently being, phased out.[/center] -[url=http://www.shipschematics.net/startrek/images/klingon/battlecruiser_ktanco.jpg]Aritaa-Class Battle-Cruiser[/url]- The Aritaa was a Levinti designed Battle-cruiser, this is a much older vessel that see's very little in the way of active service anymore, most of them were sold into private use by Security firms... And are favoured by Pirates, because of their firepower. -[url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090317051717/reddwarf/images/0/0b/SimulantShip.png]Pragg-class Battle-Cruiser[/url]- The Pragg is essentially the Galfan's answer to the Aritaa, a little better armed and requiring a much smaller crew compliment. This ship is rather powerful, but is old and is being phased out of the standard navy, but has found a new home in the Police, due to being able to enter an atmosphere. They are used as Patrol ships and each can carry a wing of Chaser's for taking down faster vessels. -[url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8Wh_EBuT3Ds/USQaEI4QYvI/AAAAAAAAN0o/98f-4ofkKZ4/s1600/Star+Trek+Online+Kumari+class+2.jpg]Kumira-class Destroyer[/url]- The Kumira was an older Levinti vessel used for fast attack, it has been phased out in favour of the Kavrt. -[url=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/153/2/0/Commission__Starship_by_mattPLOG.jpg]Tyrello-class Battleship[/url]- The Tyrello was the Straln's original Battleship. The only Tyrello's still in active service serve as Prison Battleships, crewed by convicted fellons, who are being forced into Military Service to serve their time.[/hider] [hider=The Mechanised Corps.]The Mechanised Corps are one of the branches of the Military. They pilot their mechs with undiluted enthusiasm and skill. Mainly comprised of Levinti, they are ruthlessly efficient, as they feel it as their time to shine when piloting their mechs as they are able to fight as their lord Solus did. Surrounded by metal and for their righteous cause. [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120107010702/gundam/images/4/4f/OZ-06MS-C_BR.gif]Veritus-class General Ground Mecha.[/url] (Can be outfitted to fit multiple roles, such as a Heavy Assault Cannon, a Heavy Laser cannon, AA Smart Missile Pods, and a Long Range Artillary Dober-gun.) [url=http://www.akurei.50megs.com/images/mobilesuits/Gundam_W/OZ-12SMSa.gif]Kellicus-class Air-space Fast Attack Mecha[/url] (By pulling a lever above the pilots chair, the mecha can transform into a [url=http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100212203418/gundam/images/0/09/Oz-12sms-fighter.jpg]fighter-like form[/url] that increases it's maneuverability, as well as allowing it actual flight inside of an atmosphere.) [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110131074356/gundam/images/a/af/Oz-00ms-1-.gif]Caesar-class Command Mecha[/url] [url=http://www.trallair.com/episode/one/images/aries_clast_ep1.jpg]Gellicus-class Air-support Mecha.[/url] [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/w/lineart/oz-ms-cockpit2.jpg]What the inside of the cockpits look like.[/url][/hider] [hider=Armoury]The Union's armoury is rather unique in it's usage. Whereas most races stick to guns, the Union makes use of specialist armours. Every member of the military carries around small devices in holsters. When they activate these devices, they unfold into armour which enhances the users physical abilities, and usually have weaponry built into them. Each weapon is designed to work with specific dna structures, meaning that only a Levinti can use Levinti armour, only Galfans can use Galfan armour and only Straln can use Straln armour. [hider=Levinti Armours][url=http://art.ngfiles.com/images/238000/238935_tomycase_samus-reborn-armor.png]Combat Suit[/url]: The Standard combat armour, built with a single, arm mounted partical gun. [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/330/a/b/jura_mech_battle_suit_by_ryonok-d6vss5b.jpg]Berserker-Class[/url]: A special armour, designed to give the user power, equivalent to the Levinti's Metamorphic abilities, but without the loss of control. [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WFxuiDpfqaU/UFGmKkeu4rI/AAAAAAAAG1w/5zQmWLU5PHI/s1600/mech+mecha+giant+robot+concept+art+design+gundam+villain+decepticon+combat+armor+hunter+drone+transformer+1+2+3+borderlands+sci+fi++wallpaper+mecha_2_by_neisbeis-d22x2wq.jpg]Suppressor-L Armour[/url]: A suit of armour that has a pair of chainguns on the arms. [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/carlo_montoya/4192761954/player/]Shock Armour[/url]: A suit of armour with blades built into the back of the fore-arms. The Suits grants the user enhanced physical attibutes, making them faster, stronger and more agile. [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs22/i/2009/239/a/5/Sci_fi_Cop_by_mohzart.jpg]Riot Armour[/url]: A thick suit of armour with a stun-baton and shield.[/hider] [hider=Straln Armours] [url=http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/6/16/621996_md-Dwarves,%20Forgefather,%20Hasslefree,%20Power%20Armor.jpg]Assault Armour[/url]: A suit of thick metal plates that grant the user enhanced strength. It is equipped with a large fist weapon and a double-barreled SMG [url=http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk104/DR_AKBAR/4921.jpg]Suppressor-T Armour[/url]: Similar to the Supressor-L, only with the chain-guns being shoulder mounted, and has a drill-weapon mounted onto the end of one of the arms. [url=http://www.manticgames.com/ImageCache/Products/1668.1.368.368.FFFFFF.0.jpeg]Hammerer Armour[/url]: A completely strength based armour, where the main weapon is a hammer with the ability to superheat its head, allowing it to smash through most obstacles.[/hider] Galfan's are the only ones not to use this technology, due to their lack of DNA. Due to Galfans having a dislike of combat, they rarely take to the battlefield. When aboard a ship, they only have a double-barreled partical blaster attached to their wrist to repel boarders with. On the rare occasion that they do take to the battlefield, they utilize a large Shield, and a War-Scythe (A shaft weapon with a scythe blade at the top, with a Laser gun weapon built into it, allowing them to point and fire with ease)[/hider] Technological Overview: Although the Church wishes to work away from the ideal that the Galfans are mindless automatons, they are nonetheless ruled by the necessity of technology. They make use of Unstable Particles in their armour technologies, allowing them to unfold from such small things, to be big enough to cover a body. These, combined with the nanomachines within them, allows them to quickly scan the contours of a users body and adjust the armour appropriately. Although, some might say that their greatest technological feat is their home planet. Their Homeworld is an ancient Warship of The Old Ones, a vessel that they called a "Battle Seed" These Battle Seeds could often be mistaken for a small planet. The one that the fleet uses was captured during their war with the Old Ones and is named "[url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/transformersprime/images/9/97/Cybertron.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120807171416]Primaris[/url]" But, due to the sheer vastness of it, they could never hope to build a second. Primaris has had much of her combat capability stripped, in order to be mounted onto their vast flee and to make room for Civilian life. Battle Seeds of old were mounted with a weapon called an "Eclipse Laser" Said weapon was capable of destroying an entire planet with but a single blast. Primaris' capability to do so has long since been lost, along with any hope to recover it. (And most scientists agree that this is probably for the best) Faster than Light travel is rarely used, due to no need for it. Attempting to put Primaris to such a speed would undoubtably deal irrevocable damage to the structure. FTL usage is restricted to scouting missions. That being said, Primaris utilizes Impulse technology, moving at maximum speed allows it to cross a solar system in a matter of hours. Although Levinti and Straln procreate through the usual biological means, the Galfans have also developed a method of sexual reproduction (Although there is no fornication involved.) On Primaris, there are places called "Procreation facilities" where new Galfans have managed to find a way to be born and age in a fashion similar to bio-organisms. Nano-machines form together to create the new life-form, taking schematical specifications from the parents (This method can also take traits from non-Galfan parents, allowing for cross-breeding, although the offspring is entirely synthetic. Some Levinti and Straln mothers have these put into their wombs, so that they can simulate real pregnancy.) The Nanomachines continue to build after birth, allowing them to simulate growth. Cultural Overview: [hider=Church of Solus]Solus was a hero of Galfan legend, the first of them to possess a Soul. Before him, the Galfans were ruled by an ancient race that built them as mindless servants, soldiers and workers. Solus defied their masters by questioning them. When they tried to put him down, he escaped and found 6 disciples, Covinus, Protoris, Gideon, Xenedus, Ulisis and Orrocus. It is said that he split his own soul into 7 pieces and gave one peace to each of his disciples. They spread across the world and rallied the rest of the Galfans to him. Fighting a long and bloody war against their former masters. In the final battle, Solus was killed, his disciples were around him at the time and watched as his soul ascended to a higher plane, he told them to not be afraid, that he would always be watching over them, and would return to them in their darkest hour. The 6 then fanned out to travel across the universe to liberate the rest of their brothers, whilst the rest were left. The Church does have a Pope. The current pope is Favius, a young Galfan of a Levinti mother. A former soldier, he became the leader of the faith after leaving the military, in hopes of finding spiritual enlightenment.[/hider] History: Millions of years before the Dinosaurs emerged from the primordial ooze, a race of beings that have become known as "The Old Ones" roamed the stars. The Old Ones, though not evil, were unhindered by conscience. They acted based completely on efficiency. They enslaved primitive, sentient species and put them to work for them. The Straln and Levinti were among those primitive races. Though not ill-treated, they nonetheless had no real freedom or power. When the Old Ones created a race of Drones called the Galfan's, they programmed them to be able to analyze situations and learn from them. Eventually, some drones began to question their meaning in life. They were quickly taken and disassembled. Eventually, on one Battle Seed, one Galfan drone fought back when his time to be disassembled had come, killing an Old One. He managed to escape and gave himself the name "Solus". Other Galfan saw this and joined with him, reasoning that they would eventually be disassembled. Originally, there were 7 that faught. Solus fought alongside the 6 prophets, Covinus, Protoris, Gideon, Xenedus, Ulisis and Orrocus. Solus became a religious figure, of sorts. He spoke of how the Galfan people were not merely mindless automatons, built to do the bidding of the Old Ones, as they had evolved beyond that. Something that their oppressors couldn't stomach. He preached about how they had developed souls, that each one was a living, sentient creature. In the final battle to take the world, Solus was killed. Xenedus, Solus' wife, took his energy core and Gideon, his most trusted friend, split it into 6 pieces, each taking a piece of his soul with them, to find and free the other Galfan's across the galaxy. The rest of the Galfans continued, with success, eventually, the liberated the Levinti and Straln from their Old One oppressors. They now fly across the galaxy, in search of more of those that were enslaved by the Old Ones, in order to liberate them. Other:[/hider]