[quote=@HHShetland] You know, I don't know much about X-Men, but this RP seems like it might be something I could get into; I have a character that could fit in well here, I think. I have some questions, though. First, what's your stance on mature students? (I.e. students older than 20?) I assume you can get them here, since you get them in real universities; I've met one student at mine who's at least over 40. Secondly, how much do you expect from us post-wise? Just to be thorough. [/quote] Massive typos incoming... This is very loosely based on X-Men, so it should be newcomer friendly. You can post your character and we'll see how it goes. Looking at the way modern Universities and probably Colleges are, there could be a way for late-students to show up. Our University has a special program for studying at 50. It should work out, iif I find the reason for the late enrollment for plausible. Post-wise, it should be cclear from the opening post: be able to post at least a paragraph, keep it clean from profanities if they are not applicable (or otherwise unfitting) and do all the lusty and over PEGI-13 (?) stuff for private convos. I hope this covered all you needed to know. I will be fully operational by Sunday evening, so with luck I'll open up the IC then.