[@nerminator] Edge had thought his talking to himself was not heard. He had obviously offend the man before him, and like any wound of Edges, this must be healed. Dropping to his right knee and holding his right outstretched , palm up. (As he learned from the people of Gulak) this sign of no ill-will was hoped to be reciprocated. Edge spoke [color=0072bc]My apologies my friend. Forgive me, my mind is troubled. Although the stone was not meant for you. Please, if you would allow me to show you?[/color] While on his knee, Edge inspected the mans boots. Clean and pristine - he was a representative then. The Templar still held the hilt of his sword tightly. This made Edge uneasy, it was only a stone. Although he did wonder why they had jumped to such a hasty conclusion that he was an assassin. [@vortex]