[hider=Glory to the Powerful] [center] [h1]Commonwealth of Machar[/h1] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQz6xtXQ6N4HUtJVWHzhbQ4zlM4GQ21Pi66y9Q0EaOsIz4RMbh0[/img] [hr] [h3]Species:[/h3] It is those freaks of nature that make things such as the development of near-identical species possible on different planets, yet such is not the case with the humans of Machar. It was an accident of man from an alternate dimension that deposited the travelers on the planet of Machar via means unknown to this universe, a precise incision into the fabric of reality that traversed existence to a point desired by the operator. For all intents and purposes, the people of Machar are human. [h3]Description of government:[/h3] Machar is a uni-state commonwealth composed of the peoples of the three inhabited planets in their system and the constituent stations and outposts which each manages. A tricameral legislature, a dual-position presidency and executive branch, and one High Court forms the individual branches of the Macharian government. Members of the legislature and judicial area are elected by the people, as well as the presidency by proportional vote. Any non-elected posts are filled by hiring someone who meets the qualifications of the system. [h3]Description of military:[/h3] A three-branch military is the system utilized by the Commonwealth of Machar, although there are factors that make it unique. Firstly is that due to lacking faster-than-light travel technology, the military has been relegated to border and internal defense, as well as occasional policing and civil action. The Macharian Army, responsible for all ground-based operations within the Commonwealth as well as the manning of orbital stations and surface-to-space emplacements, is the largest of the branches, outstripping even the Naval forces in terms of manpower and expenditure. Powered combat frames are issued to very few people, the investment and training required for a user to operate such a device considered to be worth more than the returns which will be achieved under current conditions. As such, most Army personnel utilize semi-powered combat frames. Army doctrine circles around that of combined arms, operating with the Air Force and the Cosmo-Marine in combat situations. The Air Force and Cosmo-Marine are very much intertwined in their work, some recommending that the two branches be merged into one large structure. However, the military authorities have constantly resisted such pressure, insisting that separation allows for greater strategic maneuverability if slightly diminished tactical maneuver. Tasked exclusively to atmospheric combat, Air Force units utilize advanced multi-role fighter aircraft and rudimentary hover vehicles in their jobs. It is the smallest branch by far and responsible for the smallest expenditure, however the gap in budget is by no means large. Finally, the Cosmo-Marine is the second largest branch in terms of personnel and budget given the costs of working in space. Featuring relatively few ships, the Macharian Cosmo-Marine focuses on advancing technology and utilities rather than numbers in its range of vessels. Cosmo-Marine vessels employ missiles most frequently, with kinetic weapons and directed energy weapons following in frequency in that order. Army and Air Force equipment is primarily kinetic, directed energy used in specialized roles rather than general purpose distribution. Armor implements both ceramics and synthetics, as well as non-Newtonian fluids. Standard body armor is an upper layer of ceramic plating, a synthetic anti-kinetic mesh underneath, and a layer of non-Newtonian fluid placed between the two armor areas, acting as a shock absorber with which to resist impacts. The most crucial part of their defense mechanism is a series of orbital and ground-based helical railguns, massive beasts firing slugs at speeds meant to devastate any foe. [hider=Macharian Army Infantry Man][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/238/a/9/near_future_pla_sof_by_aisxos-d6jrwih.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Macharian Army Rapid Response Unit][img]http://soldiersystems.net/blog1/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Helmets.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Macharian Army Special Forces][img]http://www.writerwilke.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/future_soldier_by_coltranex1-d7awpia.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Macharian Air Force D-130 Multirole fighter][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/15/r169_457x256_4429_Mv_36_2d_sci_fi_fighter_aircraft_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=D-54 Air Superiority Fighter][[img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/052/f/9/f9f42eb870a26bfd6156c672624d7f33-d30pir3.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=D-71 Multirole Fighter][img]http://onlyfreewallpaper.com/walls/fighter-aircraft-HD.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Garo-class Cruiser][img]http://markosun.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/spaceship-31659.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Verim-class Transport Ship][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090821135508/starships/images/7/74/Daedalus_in_orbit.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Surface-to-Space Cannon][img]http://s6.postimg.org/6jwixplht/Orbital_Cannon_by_Blue_Rogue_Vyse.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]Technological Overview:[/h3] The technology available to the Commonwealth would be akin to that of a 22nd or 23rd century Earth if not farther, although some areas have not seen much development past 21st century Earth standards. In the areas of military science and technology, the Macharians have advanced reasonably well given the time frame in which they have done so. Firearms are still the primary weapon of choice, plasma and other DEWs seeing limited deployment due to both the power consummation and increased complexity-and therefore cost-of such equipment. Most firearms operate with advanced versions of 21st century gunpowder weapons, affording them greatly increased stopping power and range at the expense of recoil. Helical railguns are ever increasing in frequency as they become cheaper to manufacture, with a quite large prevalence among the infantry. However, miniaturization has not developed to the point where such utilities can be used without a large battery pack, relegating infantry-based models to heavy weapons teams with several people. Civil applications of such technology is also frequent, launching items into space at extremely high speeds, although this method of transportation is much less common than a space elevator or trans-aerospace shuttle. Space elevators are a common sight, most major cities harboring one or more of these constructs. Because of their prevalence, space elevators have made the construction of ships and space stations much less costly than if shuttles had been used for it still costs more to boost a shuttle from earth to space than it does to ferry a crate up a tube. In atmosphere propulsion is handled mainly by highly-developed jet engines, with some anti-gravity and plasma pulse vehicles in use. However, plasma propulsion is limited mainly to space due to the problems of containing the plasma long enough to provide a boost. In space, plasma propulsion engines were taken in favor of ion engines due to their increased versatility and efficiency over long distances, although ion thrusters are still mounted as stabilization and braking majors due to their higher power output. Communications and data transfer still occurs at light speed or below as any form of faster-than-light technology has not been developed, although an inter-planetary network of sorts exist. In terms of power, most common is cold fusion reactors or plasma reactors, although the latter are rather limited in deployment. [h3]Cultural Overview:[/h3] To be part of humanity is to be diverse. Homogeneity, even when apparently blanketing a culture or group, has never superseded the fact that each and every individual is unique, physically, mentally, and any other attributes which one could care to apply to the human species. Despite this, most individuals absorb some facets of an overarching culture. There is no apparent difference between the three planets, although each relates more to those born on their planet than those of the other planets in the Commonwealth. Compared to early 21st century humans, the Macharian humans are much freer civilly but less so politically. [h3]History:[/h3] Machar's history is a strange one, originating from a universe separate from the one they currently inhabit. Up to the point of World War I, they had followed the same path as the current Earth. It was then that they were arbitrarily ripped from their universe and settled here. Stunned after the realization came, the humans renamed the planet Machar after their old homeworld, a place now lost to them forever. Fear of attack led to a temporary union of the nations which would last for 15 years until such worries passed, placing Machar back on the route of conflict: the first global war erupted ten years later, virtually destroying many nations. The few left recoiled visibly from the shock of the war and formed a pact of non-aggression. Lasting for a hundred and seventeen years, the pact almost broke until the first human colony was established on a different planet in the system, easing many of the pressures which had plagued the nation of Machar. Peaceful development continued alongside military up to this day. [h3]Other:[/h3] Up and down the London road. In and out o' the Eagle. That's where the money goes. Pop goes the weasel! [/center] [/hider]