Alda glanced around, having lost some interest in the fighting. For the most part it was the same thing over and over again, and she very dearly wanted to move on, as the most useful information she was gaining, in her opinion, was that Colt was likely a very disturbed, ill, and perhaps sociopathic individual. As for Zeph, she was different. Violent and easily set off, absolutely, but the sense Alda got from her was something more, something that lurked under the surface and [i]wanted[/i] to cause harm. Of course, the irritatingly-entitled attitude could be expected of anyone from Principle but something set this girl apart that made Alda very nervous. She watched as the older girl chewed out her partner and then threw a punch at him; her body language had sent mixed signals while her tone practically crackled with rage. Not wanting to be seen keenly observing the event, she glanced at Derric. "I'm going to pop Nya's shoulder in," she announced in a soft voice before getting up and striding, ignoring the fiery ache that blossomed in her lower leg, over to the girl. [i]Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me.[/i] It was with caution that Alda approached the pretty (despite her injuries) Focal girl, as this place seemed to be hiding a good number of serial killer-types. She didn't look like a crazy but then, neither had Colt; better to be careful. "Alright if I touch you?" she asked. "I don't think I need to add a warning that it will hurt, but just in case: it will hurt." [@Imaginary]