((OOC: In collab with [@kagethekiller])) A new girl she hadn’t yet spoken to approached Nya. Her name was….Alda, if Nya remembered correctly. She asked about helping her with her shoulder. Nya was skeptical. She didn’t know how much prior training this girl had and wasn’t going to risk worsening her injury just to save face. She attempted a smile before she answered, “No, that’s ok. I’d be more comfortable if a nurse looked at it. Thanks anyway.” She turned back to Sky, waiting for his acknowledgement of her issue. Sky didn’t seem entirely interested in what Nya was asking. He looked down at her then moved on to the rest of the group. She wasn’t used to being so blatantly ignored. [i]Well, if you’re not going to handle this, I’ll just have to do it myself[/i], she thought. She turned to Seril who seemed amused after the last fight. “Hey, I’m gonna go head down the the infirmary. I think I should probably make sure it’s really just dislocated.” Seril threw a towel on the kid who had just got his ass handed to him, and heard Nya say she was going to the Infirmary, he caught up to her wondering if it was really that bad. “You want me to go with you?” He asked as she went to leave. He checked in on the copy in his room and saw it flipping through the textbook out of boredom. He cursed in his head. Nya looked around the room before answering. She knew that her peers were losing her respect. She had lost a fight she should have won. It was due to cheating but it was a loss nonetheless. The last thing she needed was a babysitter accompanying her to get herself checked out. Even if that babysitter was the closest thing she had to a friend, she needed to show everyone that she wasn’t easy to put down. She looked back to Seril, “no, don’t worry about it. I saw where it was on the way here. I’m sure I’ll only be gone a few minutes. Besides, you seem to be enjoying this anyway.” She smiled slightly and headed out of the room. The air out in the hallway was lighter; fresher. It gave her a few seconds to go over what she had learned in class. Apparently not everyone was willing to play by the rules. She should have known this going in but still managed to underestimate some of them. She turned the corner and continued down the hall. If she was going to have any hope of forming strong bonds with the rest of the group, she was going to have to try harder. She was going to have to put more of herself out there. She sighed. She wasn’t very social and didn’t always enjoy small talk. [i]I guess you’ll just have to put up with it for a while.[/i] She walked into the nurse’s room and sat on a folding chair against the wall. “Hello?” she called out. ************************************ Nya walked out of the infirmary. Her shoulder was still sore but it was no longer dislocated. The nurse seemed as cold as Sky was. Maybe they all came that way. She headed back down the hallway, unsure of whether she should go back to the tournament or just head right to her dorm. She quickly decided the dorm room was probably her best bet. She wanted to clear her thoughts and being alone was the surest way for her to do that. While she walked, she noticed pictures of past graduates along the hallways. She found Codeeva’s year and was instantly drawn to his smiling face. It stood out among the other stern photos. Seeing him smile made her smile. She continued down the hall and eventually made her way into her room. She noticed the adjoining door between her room and Seril’s room was still open slightly. [i]Maybe a peek won’t hurt. I mean, it’s his fault for being so[/i] she paused,[i] mysterious?[/i] It wasn’t the right word but it was all she could call him for now. As she walked up to the door, she ran right into Seril. “Ow! What the hell?” He had been standing there the entire time. “I thought you were going to stay and watch the rest of the tournament? Why are you here?” She rubbed her head where she had hit him. Seril’s copy laughed and the real Seril cursed leaving the match feigning a headache. He tried to take control of the damned thing but this one wasn’t gonna let him in its head. “I figured I was beaten by that runt I might as well come up here and brush up on my technique.” His copy said looking down at the book in his hand. “This stupid shit is redundant though, they act like no one has ever thrown a punch in their lives.” Seril was still 4 floors away from his copy and he wouldn’t have control over it until he was at least on the same floor as it. Seril listened into his copies conversation and began to run. This was the bitchiest version of him he knew about, and it had taken upon itself to even name itself Jeffery. Jeffery was straight backed and uptight all the time, but there was no way of changing how these ones acted yet so Seril figured he just had to run faster before this thing made a fool of him. “So did the Infirmary say you have glass bones just like the rest of the Focal bitch’s” His copy said as he smacked himself in the face, leading to both of them smacking themselves in the face. Sometimes Seril hated himself. Nya was stunned. [i]Why is he talking to me like this?[/i]. Seril was the only version of a friend she had here and apparently the friendship was only on her end. Once his comment sank in, Nya was pissed. “Listen, jerkoff. I don’t know what kind of menstrual cycle you’re on here, but keep it up and I’ll kick your ass so hard, your great grandkids will regret you running your mouth off. Count yourself lucky that right now I care more about graduating than I do about shutting you up.” She slammed the door in his face and turned, kicking the chair next to her. She made her way over to her bed and sat on the edge . Her head was pounding and she was exhausted. Guard training seemed to get more and more depressing the longer she stayed. [@CLIW]