[h1][color=0072bc][center]Gray Crowell[/center][/color][/h1] As Gray entered into the supposedly haunted bathroom with the other few people, it seems they were set to work on investigating the area intensely for their own purposes... well, sort of. Andy, with his baseball bat, seemed really adamant to enter into the bathroom. Though the door looked ominous to passerby, it honestly didn't at all faze the boy. To him, this was currently another worn down part of the school which the administration was too darn lazy to fix. He could only wonder where the money for this school was going if a part of this place was in shambles. Eventually he decided to take the plunge, notably to open the door, there was a chilling feeling that everyone mot likely felt with the exception of him. It was rather strange that he wouldn't feel chilled just a tinge, but he stayed, unfazed by this whole event... until he heard an echo from Andy. His eye slightly widened in pure surprise at what he heard, along with his mouth as it frowned slightly at an unpleasantly unexpected occurrence. He could only ponder on why he thought of such a thing before his eyes drooped to a familiar shiny watch. If he could recall, there was such a person who had such a classy and expensive item on their well-being. However, all he knew now was that this wasn't inviting trouble as he came to the full realization that something bad was about to transpire. As he decided to enter into the place, he took note of how savage it appeared inside, seek it as in a horrible state of disrepair. However, that wasn't the thing that stopped him from completely entering. Oh no, it was something worst than that. The boy slid one of his feet back, stupified by what such presence he was feeling. Even though he said the four of them in the bathroom, there was an enigma lurking in wait, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on as he nervously stared down the entrance. There wasn't four people in there, he felt there was another. [i][color=0072bc]"... Huh? Is my mind playing tricks on me or is the atmosphere just getting to me? He said that Brody left his watch in there but it feels like their are eyes that we can't noticed peering from the shadows. Something is wrong here, something is really, really off! I don't believe in ghosts and supernatural creatures but I have a bad feeling that something malignant is going to conjure itself up from thin air and do whatever to us. Kinda giving me chills." "I need to investigate this all even further with an eagles eye."[/color][/i] With that resolution he was set on, he stealthily entered the bathroom, trying not to alert anyone who was possibly watching them. Although he didn't bother making a sound, he still couldn't shake the feeling something was following them. Either way, it seemed like Theresa and Sidney were making a huge joke of this all which prompted him to shake his head. This was a corrosive situation in which there was the chance of a missing kid and Theresa was saying there was a butt ghost? In all honestly, that was a really horrible jab. However, Sidney took the cake as she proved herself to be no more difficult than the loli girl... then again, after her last insulting comment she made at him in the classroom, that was probably to be expected. Seriously, why was she like this? The only thing he could actually pondered upon was that she was lonely and pushed everyone away, maybe. Either way, this hypotheses could wait for now as he began snooping for clues that might lead to the whereabouts of the fleeing actor who decided to enter this bathroom. As a place in disrepair, it seems the constant shuffling of feet made it impossible to tell it there were any foot prints remaining as it stirred up the dust. However, the stalls looks mildly dubious, even with the things open. [color=0072bc][i]"... These things looked as if they haven't been touched in ages, and appear as if they are rotting away from existence. Something smells in here, and it isn't the bathroom. Hmph, alright, maybe I can connect a few clues with these contrasting ideas. Lets fit a few pieces into the puzzle and reason for what might of happened."[/i][/color] As he pondered on the limitless possibilities, Tori commented on something feeling wrong here, along with the cold air. Again, was it just him or was he the only one who didn't at all feel the temperature drop? His sister did mention that the air got colder when there was something spiritual manifesting near them, but he never exactly felt the drop. Maybe such a suggestion was a myth? Then again, he couldn't dismiss all suggestions. As Sidney stripped and lent Tori her jacket since she was slightly freezing, before saying she wasn't a nice girl. After that, she went about her business, inspecting the stalls to scout out possibly any inconsistencies just as he. So far, he only felt the strange pressure of another inside, a sort of phantasm if you will. Even with the stuffy room he could only go off nonsensical evidence that was provided. [color=0072bc][i]"From what I've managed to discern, Brody was most likely standing in front of the mirror, his eyes welted up. Hegel humiliated, angry, and must of stayed in here a bit too long. He possibly saw something wrong in the mirrors, like one of those jumpscares you saw from an 80s or was it 90s horror film. Whatever the case was, he didn't react fast enough and was captured by a possibly phantom. Sounds ridiculous in the mind, but when you don't have enough evidence to go on, that is what a person may be prone to believe."[/i][/color] And that is when everything went to hell really fast. The lights suddenly gave out under them, leaving them stranded in sheer darkness as the mood of the frightening area began to escalate. He was rather taken aback by this uneventful thing and promptly slid back a bit... before banging himself into a bathroom stall. Well, so much for being covert as it was most likely the others would be freaked out by that sound. He felt he should probably speak up, lest the situation goes from bad to worse... too bad these were the only words he could shoot out due to being in pain. [color=0072bc]"AH DAMNIT THAT ACTUALLY HURT! Ugh, so much for investigating without being noticed... Er, anyways, I'm not a fervent believer in spirits roaming the bathroom, but I wouldn't just like to point out that there probably isn't fi-"[/color] Before he could finish his analysis of the place, he thought he could hear slightly muffled weeping coming from somewhere in the bathroom. Now though couldn't at all be orchestrated by Andy as Sidney said... then again, he never believed this was all planned out by him as such an idea was ridiculous. Either way, he could only hope that salt did wonders repelling the ghost. As he began speaking yet again, it appeared in a calm way, however there were slight hints of fear in his voice as he spoke. [color=0072bc]"And looks I'm a bit late on letting my thoughts loose... Eh whatever, I'll do it now, Sidney, don't you dare say this is planned because ever since I stood in front of this bathroom, I could tell there was something off from the start. I didn't see a difference in temperature like you guys, (if there was), however I felt that there was another set of eyes watching us in here. If I had my sisters supposed latent abilities to speak with spectral beings, this would be a lot easier. However, at this point, there aren't five people in this location right now from what we can understand..." "There are six... And I think that's the same one Andy warned us in advance. I didn't believe in such things until now, and if you guys didn't either, I would recommend that you start right now."[/color] As he pivoted around to face the area where the crying came from, he began to slightly tense up. He let out a soft breath of air to calm himself down, but he didn't make it any better for him. He sighed harshly as he backed away from the stalls, and pulled out a phone. Thankfully there was an app on here which would turn the flash on the phone temporarily until the battery ran out. He had to use this wisely as he raised the slightly bright light up, adding some semblance of peace to this place... for a split second at least in his mind. Once it was up, he slowly began moving about to investigate where the noise was coming from, standing near the sinks as he kept his distance from the stalls. As he moved, he was too distracted to notice anyone else, and bumps lightly into someone on accident. [color=0072bc]"Eh?! Erm, sorry about that, just trying to look for this ethereal being, eheh, heh... Hm..."[/color] This was going to he a really bad day...