[center]☆protettore☆ If Nemesis' story was meant to inspire him, it didn't work. Infact it did the absolute opposite. Jecht sounded even [i]crazier[/i] than Tori ever pictured him. What kind of person stole another person and demanded money in return? Did Trixxtal go along with this? Why was Nemesis here if Jecht had treated her so badly? Tori didn't really understand any of it, but maybe things were just different at sea? " W-well, if you say so!" the young vampire agreed hopefully. He wondered if his parents would get mad at him for stealing. He could easily imagine his father sitting down and telling him that taking things from others was wrong. His mother had told him that her father, his grandfather, was a bad man because he stole things, and that he should never be like him. But if they knew that it would help him fit in so that he could save them, would they still get angry? Maybe if he apologized when they finally rescued him, it would be okay? After all, everyone on the FlyingDeath seemed nice, apart from Jecht, so how bad could it be? Speaking of the devil, Jecht suddenly appeared, and with no Cepheus to hide behind, he hid behind Nemesis instead. What Cepheus had said about Jecht getting mad if Protettore reminded him of Trixxtal rang clearly in his mind and he did his best to hide his face behind Nemesis' body. He didn't know if there ever would be a time where he wouldn't be afraid of Jecht, but if the rest of the crew members could withstand him, and if Trixxtal could even be friends with him, maybe all it took was time? He really doubted it though. ☆mariemaia☆ If Mariemaia was still a human she was sure that her heart would be thumping against her chest when Jecht suddenly appeared on deck. She tried her best to avert her eyes when he stormed over to yell at Charlie, but she couldn't keep her eyes off him, observing his wounds to see if they were healing properly or if the stress was delaying them. Jecht still seemed tired and sluggish compared to his regular self, but if he had enough energy to successfully threaten Charlie, then it couldn't have been that bad. Not once did Jecht's eyes meet her's and for a moment she felt offended, thinking that he was ignoring her. They had parted on bad terms when she had tried to help him after his temper tantrum and he just yelled and belittled her. The last thing she was expecting was an apology as it wasn't in Jecht's nature to apologize, but she just wanted him to understand that she wanted to help him anyway she could. Like everyone else, she watched as Jecht angrily left the ship and a tiny sigh left under her breath. She turned to Charlie who looked absolutely terrified and nudged him playfully, trying to lighten the mood. " C'mon Charlie, you know Jecht wouldn't hurt you. It's just his anger talking." It wasn't [i]completely[/i] true, Jecht would most definitely kick them around if he felt like it, but he wouldn't [i]kill[/i] them. But she was trying to lighten the mood here. " [i]Si[/i]," She heard Videl say from behind her. " And even if he did, we'd never let him kill you!" He added cheerfully. [i]Perhaps a little too cheerfully[/i] Mariemaia thought to herself but patted Charlie shoulder. " See! We have your back! Let's just allow all this to blow over and stay out of his way for a while. Then we can focus our efforts in getting Trixxtal back!" " But first lets go into town and get the supplies for the ship so Jecht really [i]doesn't[/i] kill us." Videl said. Everyone murmured in agreement and even Tori spoke up from behind Nemesis, " And to get new pants."[/center]