[center][h2]Kane "Marcus" McCoy[/h2][/center] Kane had to admit that the car ride up to the school was, entertaining at most. Back in New Orleans, his family rarely left the city, as unfortunate as it sounded, he never felt like he was missing out. Most of his ride was spent in silence, the driver did not seem to talkative. Instead of trying to speak to the driver, Kane decided to enjoy the luxuries the he was being provided with at that moment. His family back at home did not even have a car. Kane knew that he really should have not been comparing his new found comfort to his families situations, it was unfair. Speaking of family, Kane was afraid for his mother, he had left her with his unreasonable father back home. He felt a twinge of guilt as he looked out the car window at the trees outside. He sighed, he was lucky that his [i]Mamere[/i] (Grandma in Cajun French) was there to keep the superficial peace at home while he was away. Unfortunately, that did not stop him from worrying about her well being anyway, that man would still get drunk weather they liked it or not, even his mama couldn't stop that. Not to mention that his sister would also be a handful since he was not there to set her straight, he was sure she wouldn't step foot in that house for the next few years, whatever crap she got herself into, she would have to deal with it. "So, driver, any warnings, words of advice, before I exit the vehicle." He said sarcastically as the vehicle came to a halt in front of a congregation of people on the side of the road. The driver simply grunted and unlocked the doors, no advice whatsoever, not a single word had been uttered by the man. [i]"Alohrs pas,[/i] of course not." Kane puffed as he exited the black sedan with his blue duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Once he was out of the car, the driver wasted no time getting the hell out of there. Kane grumbled angrily before turning to the group who had been stuck in the same situation as he was. Some were more unusual than others, there was a woman who seemed to be comfortable with a snake on her. Kane was dressed simply, white AF1 Jordans, blue slim fit jeans, and a beige t-shirt. His mother would have rather had him in a suit, but he luckily convinced her otherwise. Some were smoking, or reading, which baffled him, at a time like this they found to time to stand around instead of talking to one another at least. As he took in the appearances and idiocracies of the congregation around him, he realized something. They were all weird. But they were just like him, all different in ways that they could not control. That thought comforted him, and allowed him to relax and be himself. Kane wandered over the the group, with a friendly smile on his face, hoping to get something out of them. "So, how's everyone doing." He said carefully. He did not know anyone here, he might have felt comfortable around them, but they my have not felt the same way.