[b]Name:[/b] David Fletchers [b]Alias: [/b] None, considering he hasn’t really done anything special yet. Though he plans to call himself: Astral. Though he’s still thinking it over. [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Sexuality: [/b]Heterosexual [b]Appearance: [/b] (Quite honestly i'm still working on this but i was hoping someone could already take a look at the 'Powers' and 'Bio' to see if that's okay) [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Cosmic powers.[/i] The cosmos is filled with harmful radiation. Humans have already many identified such as gamma rays and ultra-violet light. However, some remain a mystery to humanity. Waves that alter other wave’s their amplitude or wave-length. Thus a whole cluster of unidentified waves still exist. Often discarded by scientists as ‘background noise’ while for a matter of fact, these kinds of waves originate from a cousin of the proton. A massless particle with as many mysteries themselves like protons. However, they have a lot more energy in them than protons. David calls that stage of the particles the ‘Alpha’ form. For normal humans (it is entirely possible for mutants with enhanced vision to see these particles) the particles are invisible. However, if you’d ask David how it looks, he’d tell you that it looks like they make a purple aurora in the sky at night. David’s skin seems to function both as absorber and container of these particles. His nerves also seems remarkable attuned to this strange particle. At thought he can use it to fire a concentrated beam or orb of the particle. While in a normal state, like you’d find in the universe, this particle does not interact with any matter what so ever. Though somehow when David uses it, it does interact. Most often it superheats its surroundings, effectively creating plasma. He calls this state of the particles the ‘beta’ form. In the beta form the heat makes the light surrounding the particles red. Just recently David discovered that these particles have a third ‘form’. In which they act as negative-gravitons. Thus negating gravity. However it has only worked on small objects like a tennis ball for so far. He calls this state of the particles the ‘delta’ form. Delta form particles often consume light for some odd reason. Making it as if the particles themselves look pretty dark. His powers are most certainly useful, but they come at a cost. For one, the particles are easily absorbed by most metals. Which means that if he remains inside, even if there are windows, his particles will not replenish. In other words. If he uses his particles too much inside, he might end up exhausted of them. A second drawback is discharges. Even a bucket can overflow with water and the same goes for David. If there is a big build-up of these particles, they will be forced out. Often in either delta form or beta form. [b]Bio: [/b] His mutant powers have only been manifesting themselves since he was 15. At first it was just his vision that was altered. High in the sky he saw the beautiful purple aurora. He wasn’t an insomniac or something, but he’d try to watch the sky passed midnight at least once a week since he could see the enchanting beauty. About a year and a half after he discovered the aurora, his first discharge happened. The day started normal, except that he woke with a little headache. But David, as a 17 year old teenage boy, thought nothing of it. Throughout the hot day the headache got worse and worse. Until at PE. It was soccer and David seemed strangely energized. Until of course, he burned a goal down. Right before he wanted to take a shot at the goal, his vision blurred and blackened. The next thing he knew he found himself on a scorched patch of grass with a very burned smell coming from somewhere. Classmates would later tell him that it seemed as if the ball had a trail of red plasma. The goal keeper was able to jump away and didn’t get hurt. But the net caught fired and melted, together with the grass he was standing on. At first David was discouraged. Even afraid. He heard a lot about the politicians with their Mutation Registration Act and feared that his class would see him as a monster. Though in the next few weeks, they didn’t treat him super different. Sure they often asked how he had done it, but he wasn’t bullied for it. This gave David the confidence to experiment with what he had. Soon he discovered that he could somehow launch red hot plasma at will. Much to the dislike of his mother, who had to buy new china. His discovery of the delta form was also accidental, and most likely triggered by a discharge. One particular morning he woke with literally everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor peacefully floating around him. Of course until he noticed that it was floating. His desk and drawer crashed into the ground immediately. Around this moment his mother had enough and decided that it was time for him to learn how to use what he had. So she send him off to the Grinder. Hoping for the best for him.