Plot: Randomness, fun and adventure. Maybe lots of [b]ACTION[/b]. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] No OOC fights No godmodding/powerplay No controlling/killing a player's character without his or her permission. Keep cursing at a minimum. Keep romance at PG-13 or lower. (Anything beyond kissing and hugging must be taken to PM) Have as as many as characters as you can handle Characters must have at least one weakness [b]ALWAYS ACCEPTING!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] Listen to me and my Co-GMs(when I get some) Co-gms are chosen at random so don't get discouraged if I don't pick you. Add some action in the IC(it would make things more interesting) Have fun Co-gms: Zerofighter, arowne97, and Ninkitty IC: [url][/url] All chars go in the character tab now. (it helps me to keep track of who's who) CS Name: Age: Gender: Species: Powers/skills: Weapons(cause why not?): Crush: From: Appearance(s): Bio(optional): Other: Random places([b]SUGGESTIONS!!!![/b]) Island(the boring starting place). Forest of Needles(Look at the name). Tomb of Shadows & traps(Created by me). Titan's Tower(it's shaped like a T). Enemy NPCs(Suggestions are welcome) Shadowsaurus(Hunter's new minion). Zombies. Rhino and Warthog mutants. Vile's Creations.