Mundy nodded to the girl at the counter, taking his book and his card and stuffing them both into the almost empty backpack he was carrying over his shoulder. He looked around his area as he exited the library, the streets were filled with people rushing in both directions. But what could he expect? Modern City wasn't exactly the rural backwater villages of the far south. A rather rude, lanky man shoved past Mundy as he shouted down his phone to a business partner. Mundy's eyes followed the man, narrowing as he got further and further away. He soon brushed his bleach blonde hair back into the style he regularly kept it in, before making his way down the street. He was moving at a fairly slow pace and got a few dirty looks from those having to manoeuvre around him to get to their destination. He looked in a few shop windows whilst moving through the crowds, he rarely ever saw anything he wanted to buy though and this seemed like another time where he'd go home empty handed, par the book of course. He passed an electronics store and glanced at a news report on one of the tvs in the window before diverting his full attention to it. Apparently a hostage situation was going down less than a block away from where Mundy was now. Well, he had nothing else to do today, might as well check it out. He made his way there and blended with the crowd, the only thing seperating him being the bright colour of his hair. He watched on as the situation unfolded.