Anise jolted awake and cried out "Tyaelaem!" The princess looked around nervously. She could feel she was laying against something rough. When she touched it she found out it was a building of some sort. She used the wall to stand herself up. She then felt around to try and find her nightstick, but to no avail now that it was laying somewhere in these abominable woods. Her hands then went to the belt that held the sword around her waist, and she found that the sword was where it should be and relaxed a little bit. Where was Tyaelaem? What knocked her out? How much time had gone by? Then a pain spiked in her stomach as she heard a loud growl come from it. Food. She needed food. She walked along the wall of the building and as she rounded the corner to face the front of the building she saw light from a lamp, but not like any of the special lamps like the one she saw when she first arrived, or from any of the others. She walked along the wall until she made it to the front of the building and cautiously approached the door. She stopped at the door when she heard a voice that she hadn't heard before. A female voice. From what Anise could tell, the person talking was trying to get someone else to leave. She cracked the door open just enough so she could peek through and see if they were dangerous like the old man that told her there was no escape. She then saw the food on the table and burst through the door and rushed to the table. She stood in a position at the table so she could get out quickly and grabbed a chunk of bread and chomped right down on it. She grabbed a pitcher of water and took a deep drink right out of it. She glanced at the others in the room, they had been the first girls she had ever seen since she came to forest. She glowered at them cautiously. They didn't seem like they had been in this forest for long, and this definitely wasn't their home. "So, who are you and what are your goals?" She wanted to know if they'd be dangerous or not.