[quote=Hank] Sex sells. Women will always be objectified in some entertainment products. Guys will keep buying them. Nothing to be done.EDIT: Besides, guys are constantly sexually objectified in videogames as well. Practically every single male protagonist in action games is a buff, good looking overly intimidating and highly masculine guy. It works both ways. [/quote] I agree with this statement. Trying to play video games while seeing women's bust giggle and hips shake is a bit off putting, but I'd not trade it for the handsome hunk that is my co-hort. Sex does sell and unfortunately the world is not interested in reality. We wish to live in a fantasy where everyone is beautiful and strong and fit - hence the visual effects of the protagonist in all video games and his sexy side kick. I agree with women being as bad as men most day too though... make all of the male hero's small and unshapely and watch the sales of Marvel's hunk movies and games drop.