[b]Tsukiya[/b] Tsukiya was eating her breakfast in the first inn she had found. She had managed to catch a few hours of sleep outside last night on a bench after buying new equipment, but somehow she felt she could have used that time better. She stifled a sudden yawn and silently admonished herself. [i]You'll be no help to anybody if you're not rested,[/i] She thought, shaking her head, [/i]She thought, [i]Tonight you're going to get some proper sleep.[/i] As she finished eating, she opened up her menu and took a tally of her inventory. It was almost empty of monster drops, since the last thing she had done was visit the market, but she was fully stocked on healing items and crystals. [i]Maybe I'll donate the rest of the Col. I think there's some kind of charity for struggling players.[/i]