[hider=News] [h1]Intercontinental News[/h1] [i]Today we are glad to announce the end of the war between the UNR and the ICOR , thanks to the unexpected arrive of a alien fleet which maked both alliances join against a common threat ,currently in all Rathlar is celebrating the final union of the planet and the end of the war ,80% of the population think that this is the start of a new era in Rathlar according to recent polls in all the planet. In other news the embassador of The Ryukyu Empire has arrived to the International Station , his name is Taida Kaiyashi and is currently speaking with the Representative , here we can only be expectant about what they are talking and hope for the best [/i] [/hider] [hider=Orbit of Rathlar] [b]International Station Standart Hangar 01-Current occupied by a ship of the Ryukyu Empire [/b] The military specialist Garhtlur entered the hangar with only thing in mind , the study of the ship stationed there for comparing and improving the design of the next generation of spaceships . This military specialist was sended by the MSCR , Military Space Command of Rathlar , after the unexpected arrival of the alien fleet ,after that the UNR saw neccesary the creation of a new military section, this military section is currently hiring the best of the best in Rathlar to research ,protect and secure Rathlar from space threats, the MSCR have one of the largest funding in the planet , their agenda from now to the next years is to stablish a secure space network in the system by the way designing the next generation of military spaceships , this is why Garhtlur was sended to study the Ryukyu ship. [i]"¡Aha! the cannon in the chasis of this ship is very well placed , even more than the Savior class cruiser ,this will very useful for our next ship -Garhtlur took note of this and then procceded with the rest of the ship making a nice report for his superiors [/i] [b]International Station Embassy Section Room 26[/b] There was the Representative and the embassador of the Ryukyu Empire , both of them were speaking for a long time about the future relations of both nations and the Representative was doing everything he could to make the embassador accept his proposals,now it was the time to make the final words. [i]"Embassador let me repeat my proposals before the end of this conversation ,we want to have exchange embassies , we want to stablish a trade agreement too and if its possible exchange our technology with yours"-Then the secretary of the representative told him that it was time to go, standing up the Representative spoke for a last time -"Forgive me now but i now i have a lot of things to do.I will expect your response" [/i] With that the Representative and the embassador leaved the room , this maybe could be start of a good relationship between the two nations or other conflict , for the Harthals the future is uncertain. [/hider] [hider=Research Department of the UNR ] [b]Presentation room[/b] [i]"Today Doctor Tahl will show us his new discovery , but as everyone remember all of you acceded to maintain this in secret until the UNR decides to make it public , Tahl has made one of the biggest discoveries in the history of Rathlar and that discovery is the possibility of making a warp device capable of doing similar things that the ones we already saw in our orbit some days ago .But the doctor Tahl can make it possible now i will let him speak" "Greetings everyone thanks for coming to this presentation , recently i could resolve one of the most difficults problems , the capabity to travel to another star , but thanks to this new discovery which i will present later and i will give all the bases and fundaments there too , but now lets focus in the test , today i bring a small machine-One Harthal carry it puts it in the center of the hall- "Well this is my creation , this is capable of making a warp bubble as i call them and make anything in that bubble created by this artifact travel Faster than light , today we will try it with a small paper , see the screen which will be our moon and see the magic"-Tahl put the paper near the machine and then he activated it , he pointed with his finger to the screen,the machine started to create a bubble of energy and inside of it the paper , 3 seconds later the paper was in the moon-"An incredible step for us , now let me explain how this is possible"-Tahl continued with his presentation and after that he continued with his research to make more efficient to make capable a spaceship to travel faster than light. [/i] [/hider]