[@Maelvona] [quote=@Maelvona] I am tempted to join, but I am kind of nervous. Can you give me a little summary about what I can expect from a game? That is a pretty long CS! ;o Also, what if you try and make a sad/depressed character, does she have to be funny, or do funny things? I mean, things can change over the course of the game.. But will she not be accepted? [/quote] Well. A magician cant have psychic powers aka esper powers. Vice versa. As for the character, it ever changing because we develop them theough interactions and story plots. So you dont have to worry. Sad character can be funny too lol I cater to everyone's requests and expectations. I assure all the best is given. Welcome! Edit: Micro in this rp means precision and freedom of conteolling your powers but lacks the destructive force. Macro means pure destruction and no freedom on controlling your powers.