Jake was pretty much prepared to move out from the base before the briefing had begun, so once it ended with the order to get ready he went and retrieved his things. The main focus was getting to the train the message from Overwatch could wait until then at least. Once Jake had his pack on he turns the transmit for his radio back on whilst heading for the warehouse exit. "Overwatch, if you're reading this we're leaving Timber by train on a 1545 service. Keep me tracked if I get stopped at any point I may need your assistance." Jake flicked of the transmit switch of his radio as he left the base clipping it back onto his belt as he switched it for his Garden PDA. "Still nothing eh?..." Jake sighed before dropping the PDA back into place, no updates from Galbadia for his orders he'd have to check again once he got on the train. Jake's route to the station wasn't the most direct. The information he'd gathered for likely patrol routes and relief times had him walking the back streets finding the bypasses of the Military checkpoints. He was confident that he could likely Waltz straight pass one if he wanted to, though he wanted to avoid that theory unless it was absolutely necessary. As he got closer to the station the choices became more difficult as the number of viable routes got less and less until. "Jake Firesong!" Jake stopped in his tracks as he calmly moved his left hand down towards his sheathed dagger. "What are you doing in Timber?" The soldiers intent became clear as he got closer and Jake moved his hand away. "I'm on assignment." "With that sized pack? What you doing sleeping on the streets?" "No one said it was an assignment to Timber, I'm just passing through." "uh... for a moment there I thought you might of been Garden's assistance for investigation." "Good luck with that" Jake scoffed. "Garden and the Army aren't exactly on the best of terms, as you should well know. I've just came here following damage assessment in Dollet... now you'll have to excuse me I've a train to catch." The SeeD proceeded on ignoring any further comments the soldier made as he headed down the last few streets to the trainstation. Between him and the station, one final checkpoint. 'This should be simple enough' Jake thought to himself as he approached, making his way through the dense layers of civilians waiting to pass through. On the other side he could see the crowds of people dispersing between the checkpoint and the station with the steady stream of civilians heading into it. The sorry excuse for a checkpoint comprised of a line up of low ranking military personal across the stretch of the street, one night was clearly not enough time to get set up as some people blatantly slipped through un-noticed. The SeeD shook his head with a soft chuckle as he moved to follow suit with those that'd slipped through, but just like before "Jake, Jake Firesong?" He'd walked straight up to one of the soldiers without even realising. "Lets not create a scene here Jake, I won't call you aside. Mind telling me what your face is doing plastered over towns yesterday CCTV when you're 'just passing through'" "Certainly." Jake commented. "You see what it is..." Jake stopped as he motions his head downward. The solider looked to see the dagger held at his gut. "As I told your friend I'm just passing through on my way for population control. I've been in town gathering supplies the past few days." A terrible excuse maybe but he wasn't trying to convince the man only keep the civilians in earshot from catching on to what was happening. "Hey..." Jake continued "Don't I know you? Hate to have to pay you a visit on my way back." "H-Have a nice day sir." The soldiers cowardice prevailed as he let Jake pass, his mediocre pay grade was nowhere near enough to risk his life on a hunch. After that Jake had a clear route to the train station with no further interruptions. Once onto the platform he walked to the far end before stepping onto the correct train, weaving between people whilst on route under the potential pretence that he might of been being tailed. He doubled back down the train carriages until he was in Car C. The SeeD whistled to himself before sliding down in a seat across the walkway from Duncan and Xerox. "hah... no one else here yet?" He asked the pair turning to face them as he put his feet up on the chair next to his. "Oh, and before I forget." Jake glanced down the carriage, it was relatively empty, no doubt chosen because it was so. "Galbadia Garden Overwatch has informed me of what you'd probably guess. The main forces are stalling the sending of reinforcements, for now at least it would seem" Jake kept his voice down to avoid any other passengers from potentially hearing him. "Must be working wonders for Timber personnel, they think they're expendable and then it's proven to them."