I don't think it's much of a controversial topic. It should be stopped; there's no way to justify it. The more difficult question is what we should do about it. We can't ban artwork; we've been through this situation over and over again. We also can't pretend that developers are awful people for doing it, or even that they're necessarily doing it on purpose. Developers, especially fantasy developers, are huge nerds. Their gaming experience is probably rooted in DnD, where this whole issue can be traced. Some of them may see their female characters and find nothing wrong with them at a glance because it's been the standard for so long. A sense of tradition has always been much more harmful and lasting than genuine conviction or malice. We could get a lot of honest developers to stop depicting women this way. They mean well, but what happens when those that don't will do it anyway for marketing's sake? Then the problem stays in the industry and more people grow up with it. It's a problem, for sure, but one has to wonder where and how we can correct it.