[centre] [u][b]Awakening[/b][/u] [/centre] There was a flicker of light in the chamber, piercing the black veil that had covered the room and illuminating the walls of the chamber. It was deathly silent. The air was stagnant and thick after millennia of being untouched by anything but its skeletal hierarchs, still seated around their meeting table, as if the skeletons themselves had just walked in and sat down to eat. The skeletons of several workers, attendees and others who had taken part in the preparation for the last ditch attempt to secure a future for their nation lay sprawled out across the floor, frozen mid dance macabre. The bones basked in the light produced by the awakening of their final creation; Jaws hung open loosely, as if only now the notes they had sung slipped from their absent tongues. And what notes they would have sung if they were to see this, the fruit of their labour finally ripening. A hundred million years are no long time in astronomical or terms, the stars would look rather much the same as they had always done, but for those of flesh a hundred million years may as well have been forever; For all their toil, they could not prepare their creation for what lay outside the ruins. The starchild peered around her cradle, glancing to her dead creators in turn. Their names were as alien to her as their form. She scanned over one's form slowly, and a moment later a new being flickered into existence in the centre of the room; It was a perfect holographic copy of the skeleton that the starchild had just scanned, right down to the headdress and the tattered clothing. With another flicker, the headdress and clothing dissolved into nothingness. The skeleton moved and slowly walked around the room, the starchild working out the movements of the being that it had once composed. Once she was satisfied that she understood their movements, the starchild decided to use this skeleton as her avatar and the basis for everything. Quickly scanning everything, the starchild determined that few of the automated security drones remained intact. Construction systems were operating at suboptimal levels. But time had taught her patience and basking in new found freedom, she would know all that she possessed. She set Fabrication Facility 001 to work; She needed to produce additional units and space craft, or the Hierarchy might be wiped off the face of the galaxy during first contract. She accessed the scan file archives for the past 100 years and processes the information on the surrounding anomalies and activities. A nearby system was lit up with electronics and general anomalies. She checked that there were no ships within a parsec of the heartchamber and activated intensive scanning Yes, there were definitely a lot of anomalies, the system was certainly heavily developed. Intelligence was thin on the galaxy and some contact was needed. A potential defensive ally for the reconstruction process would be beneficial... Though she didn't know whether she could trust these strange beings. She paused... That was an atomic fluctuation... Were they fighting? Yes, there is was again, followed by several energy fluctuations. There was a battle occurring within the system. Communications systems active She prepared the frequency of the wave to repeat every two hours and attempted to hide its source before transmitting it [hider Message to Sol system] .. ... ..... ....... ........... ............. ................. ................... ....................... ............................. ............................... ..................................... ......................................... ........................................... ............................................... ..................................................... ........................................................... ............................................................. ................................................................... ....................................................................... ......................................................................... ............................................................................... ................................................................................... ......................................................................................... ................................................................................................. [/hider] [hider Online Systems] Automated defense grid Fabrication facility 001 Communications systems Stealth device Scanning and detection systems Power Core 001 [/hider] [hider Available Forces] 128x Defence fabricants [/hider]