[quote=@Ether] The sad truth is that the process of passing new medicine is really just needlessly complicated, on purpose. See, businesses [i]like[/i] stability, and introducing new, potentially revolutionary drugs into the market disrupts that stability. By making the process needlessly long, they can anticipate the effects a drug can have on the market, minimizing the potential disruption. Pharmaceutical companies are always on the watch for new drugs. Not to mention cheap, accessible and effective drugs means less profit margin. Imposing excessive bureaucracy on human experimentation is just a byproduct of that profit-centric mindset. In a similar way, petroleum companies are trying their darnest to halt the development of alternative energy. The status quo is profitable, why change it? That's how the big heads think, unfortunately. [/quote] Is it? Them evil drug corps are pushing vaccines out like candy to keep people from getting sick in the first place -- seems like a bad investment. And since pharmaceutical companies pay for their own research, you'd think they'd want more than 8% of their research to hit the markets. [url=http://www.fdareview.org/approval_process.shtml]Here's how the process actually goes, with some numbers.[/url]