Lincoln chuckled when Has'la offered him so more food. Has'la more or less forced the bottle into Linc's hand, so Linc didn't really have a choice. Lincoln looked at the water for a bit, and looked up at Harry. Harry didn't seem to comfortable hanging around, which Lincoln couldn't blame him for. Lincoln chuckled when Has'la asked him if he knew how to use his guns, "Yeah. These babies have been keeping me alive. I guess instead of the father taking care of the baby, these guys have been taking care of me." Linc said looking down at both of his guns with a smirk. Lincoln was surprised when Has'la offered him a job for a salvage run. Linc had some good experience with salvage runs considering that's what he did to keep him and his sister alive. "Yeah, yeah. Of course I can do that." Lincoln said, nodding. Linc noticed that Harry seemed on-edge about something, then noticed that he was looking towards the horizon. When Lincoln looked down where Harry was looking, he noticed the smudge of dust. Lincoln could only assume that they didn't have good intentions whoever they were. "Well, there's one problem," Lincoln added, taking out one of his pistols. As soon as he did this, he saw Harry fidget in his seat, "Don't worry, I am just gonna say that I ran out of cartridge ammo." Showing the two men the empty cartridge spot. "I am probably gonna need those incase we get into a sticky situation."