[img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/002/9/0/dapper_dick_grayson_by_kiniki_chan-d5q739j.png[/img] Name: Tommy Jacobson Age: 20 Quirks: Tommy is always smiles, willing to help anyone. He wears his bleeding heart on his sleeve for all to see. This does not mean he is naive, however. He very well aware of how he can be used, but is still willing to help anyone. Whatever else people would need to know: Born to a normal suburban family, Tommy lived a happy life, with few problems. He graduated from his high school from a relatively good position, and applied and made it into the CUNY School of Journalism. After graduating, Tommy decided to jump start his career by reporting on a Urban legend of a grisly Haunted Town that nonetheless drew countless people to it. He is also a giant DC nerd.