Yeah, the 7th graders going to high school is a [i]fairly[/i] recent change, in fact in the area I grew up I was apart of the last year seven grade to take place in our grade school, (which meant I was graduating to high school with the year 6's.) I'll quickly address the terms grammar school and primary school, in Australia anyway grammar school seems to be a school that have a required level of intellect for students to attend, though I could be wrong as I don't know of many of them, in one case anyway it was just used as a title for the school. Additionally one of the high schools I attended called itself a 'college', though it was no such institute, then again we do not have colleges in Australia, only TAFE and Universities. In Australia we don't have middle school, it's split up into Primary school and High school. Primary school including from preschool, kindergarten to year six (seven previously) then High school containing from year seven to twelve. I had the misfortune of having to move around a lot and so I attended many different primary schools and a few high schools, no teachers ever made a distinction such as middle school, though we also don't use the term grade school over here. So I guess you could say Primary school is the equivalent to grade school in America and that middle school is instead broken up between our High school and Primary school institutions. Although in most high schools here the grade 10 to 12 students wear a different coloured uniform and are prohibited from going to areas designated as 7 to 9 grade locations without permission, though that might have been an exception for the main high school I attended as it was ripe with violence. EDIT: Still working on my post, though as of typing this it's pretty late. So I'll wait until tomorrow to give it a proper look over before I post it. There might not be too much interaction between our characters just yet, I hope you do not mind that.