[Spruce] After the entire room shakes from Kamina waking up, I shake my head at the incorrect name and reply "No, actually, the name's Spruce, and she's Celes," Josh then asks if we were going to follow him to breakfast, and I shrug, saying "Well, I don't have anywhere else to go right now, so, sure," I then follow him past the already busy guild, and past a blue-eyed magnemite who kinda looked familiar, somehow. It didn't seem like he saw me, however, and he simply floated off to my team's room. I somehow got to the mess hall before Josh, and I wait for him, as well as Celes, for a little while until they finally get here, and I ask "So, what's up with Anthony? What'd he do to get kicked off your team?" I then recall a few others who are no longer in that room, a combee, who I think might have been named 'Vex', and something else that I can't remember. Of course, that combee was their leader, so, chances are that they didn't kick her off... unless she kicked THEM off, and they started a whole new team, one which eventually kicked Anthony off of the team for whatever reason. Anthony could have just woken up before everyone else, but he didn't really strike me as an early riser, though. [i]I suppose whatever he did, he's an outlaw again, and probably either on the board, or turned in by his old teammates. That fight must have been fun to watch, with all of them mad at each other about Anthony getting kicked off of that team.[/i] I think as I wait for a response from Josh or Matt, leaning on the door frame as I also wait for them to go inside. [hr] [Anthony] Static and Nina, the new apprentice, were running around, with Nina trying and failing to get away from Static, who blocked her escape at every opportunity. "Static, stop! Why would an unevolved pokemon be in charge of something as important as an orb of balance, anyways?" He thinks for a moment, and eventually comes up with the solution of "To fool us, that's why. Besides, we're unevolved pokemon, and we've taken down a guardian before, so maybe she's like us, secretly powerful," Nina didn't seem to like the sound of that, and the others, as in, those who I assumed to be the rest of Levita's team, started crowding the area, and were all telling Static and or Nina to stop this right now. Nina said, in response to Static saying we've already beaten a guardian "W-what!? No! That's... impossible!" She seemed scared, which for some reason struck me as not in her character, at least, from what I've overheard from the guild guards. Nina, after looking at everyone, and trying and failing one last time to run off, uses double kick on Static, who didn't see it coming, and somehow took the hit, both of them. Static then responded to that with a laugh, and a use of his thunder wave, basically stopping Nina in her tracks. She probably couldn't talk at the moment, but she looked terrified, which again, didn't seem to fit what she said earlier. Maybe she's just afraid of being unable to move, of being stuck in one place, or something similar to that. Maybe she thought we were thieves, trying to destroy the planet with the power of these orbs... which reminds me, a ralts who wandered in on the scene seemed to ask what these orbs did, and since Nina couldn't talk, I answered for her, as well as for Static, "This orb is a part of a set of four, with this one representing the sub-type light. Every pokemon has a sub-type, most of whom, like myself and Static, have 'normal' as their sub-type. What these orbs do is keep these sub-types in balance, and prevent one or the other from taking over... just as well, they also control the power of all pokemon with that sub-type, so, if one was destroyed, say, the normal one, all pokemon with that sub-type would wither away and most likely die. The reason we need them is basically to perform some sort of repair job, as they seem to be losing their power, at least, according to Static, they are," I then turn my head towards Static, who was using thundershock on Nina. I figured it wouldn't do any good to shout at him to stop by now, as he's already ignored everyone. [hr] [Nina] Unfortunately, even the tailwind didn't seem to do much to deter Static the determined pichu. In fact, all it really did was make him angry at me. Thankfully, Static's own teammate shouted out "Static, stop! Why would an unevolved pokemon be in charge of something as important as an orb of balance, anyways?" I was relieved, as this might mean that he would at least think about letting me go, and he did, for a moment, which I saw as an opportunity to escape, however, apparently that was a mistake on my part because as soon as I did, Static ran back to block my way again, with an even angrier face. Static then answers with something that horrified me beyond belief, "To fool us, that's why. Besides, we're unevolved pokemon, and we've taken down a guardian before, so maybe she's like us, secretly powerful," [i]No... that can't be. One of those orbs is ACTUALLY in danger now. This can't be happening, but... if this is true, then, why didn't I see any withering or dead pokemon on my way here? Why am I not withering away? Hm... maybe they started with the Shadow or Void orb, just so their deed might go unnoticed.[/i] I think before eventually saying "W-what!? No! That's... impossible!" That seemed to give the pichu a smug smirk on his face, which I thought might give me an opportunity for escape again, but, like last time, I was dead wrong. "Please, just listen to the others and STOP!" I then say before using double kick on Static, which had him retaliate with thunder wave, paralyzing me, and making it impossible for me to walk, let alone escape. [i]This is the end, isn't it? The end of all pokemon... who'd have thought it would be a pichu that ends us all?[/i] I think as Anthony, the goomy who was trying to help me earlier, explains exactly what the orbs do to the other team. I tried to speak through my paralysis, however, I couldn't. All i could do was change the expression on my face to basically say 'Help me!'. I looked at the ralts as I did this, as she seemed like she'd be a bit more of a help than the drifloon, and I wasn't sure who the nincada was affiliated with. [hr] [Bonnie] As soon as I showed them the mission statement, it seemed like everyone was ready to go, and, in fact, William surprised me with his speed as he raced off towards my dad's old place, near Sunswept Plains. I follow him, and I had to assume Eralion and Tini would join us shortly, but as soon as we made it to the plains, themselves, I knew what I had to do. I had to point the team towards my old house, and, towards my father. I hesitated for a moment, and tried and failed to say anything about it until I walked halfway across the plains, and saw the old path. It was somewhat overgrown due to a lack of pokemon using it, but it was still visible. "Th...this way," I say to whomever was with us at the time. I then head down the path with all the memories flooding back to me. I was sweating, had a scared look on my face, and shivered with every step I took towards that horrible building which probably looked like a nice, expensive mansion to everyone else. To me, all it looked like were those memories, a hostile, evil place. One that I swore to never return to unless I was strong enough to beat my father. It seems like time has a funny way of making you break your own promises to yourself. Even so, it got harder to move on the closer I got to the building, and the closer I got to the building, the slower I moved, mainly out of fear, until I was behind everyone else. I then look around, as if I'd find some sort of secret stash, but really, I was just coming up with an excuse for my suddenly slow speed. "Uh... yeah, it's around here somewhere, my old stash of warp seeds, that is," I half-heartedly say to my teammates as I continue to 'search' for the 'warp seeds'.