[quote=Hank] Sex sells. Women will always be objectified in some entertainment products. Guys will keep buying them. Nothing to be done.EDIT: Besides, guys are constantly sexually objectified in videogames as well. Practically every single male protagonist in action games is a buff, good looking overly intimidating and highly masculine guy. It works both ways. [/quote] When a female fanfiction author creates a flawless author avatar that their favorite canon revolves around, and goes on for hours about how gorgeous and talented she is, that isn't fanservice for guys. It's a fantasy for the author. Or, with published media, for the audience they want. Indulgent personal fantasies are, foremost, making "yourself" awesome, and everything else is a symptom or "proof" of it. That can include being flawless or near flawless, ridiculously skilled at a shitton of things, and implausibly important to anything that matters in the universe (either because of skills, or because "you're" the Chosen One). No one wants to project onto a weak, chronic leprosy victim that can't shoot for shit (in an FPS) or do anything relevant or useful. Games do that all the time. It's hard to find a game that [i]doesn't[/i] make the player character excessively important to solve a huge conflict, or unique and special, or gives constant pep talks/compliments for every one thing accomplished. It almost gets condescending when you notice it enough. If the guys were put in erotic positions and clothing all the time, or fawned over an idealized female character we're supposed to relate with, yeah, that'd be fanservice. Just looking badass, though, is service to being badass.