[quote=Awson]I think objectification has always been the wrong word to describe it. It's simply exploitation. And exploitation has always been a stable in media. Is it wrong? I guess. Is it going to change overnight? No. Males are the target demographic. Pure and simple. Companies really shouldn't be obligated to make a change to a game in order to please a small percentage of its users. "But it's wrong" It's not that black and white. Why can't there be dumb hot chicks in video games? There's dumb hot chicks everywhere else in every other facet of life. We are still the target demographic and we still like to stare at hot chicks. "Well staring at hot dumb chicks is wrong and needs to go away" Well, it's a part of our culture. I know that the new wave of change is focusing on everyone being equal in every way, so maybe we will be able to take down 'men looking at unrealistic depictions of women,' but maybe it's not such a big deal in the first place. Maybe it isn't so wrong.[/quote] Why does she have to be dumb? I object to this more than the measurements only attainable through plastic surgery. I'm not a huge gamer, but I've seen enough dumbing down of female characters. The last Tomb Raider (speaking of objectification) was the last straw for me. I understand it was a reboot to where Lara Croft was younger but they took a character who was uniquely strong, smart, and deadly and turned her into a simpering teenager. /rant