[@KatherinWinter] - (I've updated my CS to her limitations) Jess nods at the woman. She looks around, no one else seemed to be going up to display their powers at the moment. Plus, hers weren't all that great... She wouldn't take long. Jess tentatively walked up to the middle of the gym floor. She's uncomfortable in front of all these people. She's used to staying in the shadows - used to staying unseen. "[color=00aeef]Hey. I'm Jess, and...[/color]" She trails off and eyes a boy holding an object in his hands, and a girl beside him, sitting in the back. She completely disappears from the middle of the gym, and appears inches behind the boy and the girl. "[color=00aeef]And my ability is teleportation.[/color]" She says with a slight smile. [@YamiCuoreLaroux][@Diabolicalrhapsody]