[@Diabolicalrhapsody] The boy looked a bit confused as the girl in front of him pointed to his tablet. As she pointed back to herself and looked up at him, though, he began to notice that she hadn't said anything yet. [i]Is...she like me?[/i] Wanting to make sure that he understood, Kyo typed again on the device. [color=662d91]"Do you want to borrow it? I suppose I don't mind, just please be careful. I can't speak without it, either."[/color] Tapping into the settings, he changed the voice to a female one that he thought might suit the girl a bit better. Before he had the chance to hand the tablet to the girl, the sound of another voice suddenly so close behind him startled the boy directly to his feet. His eyes flashed silver for a second as his ability made the light in the room disappear for anyone within a two-meter radius of him for a brief second, and image of a set of stairs moving up towards them quickly projected to those within the area. When it stopped, the dark-eyed boy stood there stiffly, still shaking slightly with wide eyes. Not even an audible gasp had escaped him the entire time, though his mouth did remain slightly open as if to suggest that maybe he had tried. [@Willow Breeze]