After Edwin left, Kep peered at the group that had descended into the sewers and did his best to assess a few of the individuals. Kai looked vaguely familiar, perhaps someone that he had known prior to his condition. He definitely recognized the pirate who frequented the sewers. Kep was always very cautious with Aron; half of his most prized possessions were made of precious metals that he was sure the man would like to get his hands on. Kep was surprised to see the wolf, a rare site in Ebb. He remembered that they lived in the same areas as the Snow Elves and how he seemed protective the only elf in the party. Kep guessed that the snow elf was nobility or simply lucky to have that companion. Kep almost completely ignored, Abal and Ash, they were just unfamiliar humans, however he did inspect Ash long enough to guess that he had a quasi-rogue fighting style. Finally, he looked at the two parili, which he immediately took great interest in. He had heard the comment about screaming from Riad (it was what had lured him over here in the first place), so, despite being a parili, any chance of Kep trusting Riad was stamped out. Finally, he looked at Mr. Ghurst, and after a brief inspection, was taken aback. Kep had several papers and books written by or crediting Mr. Ghurst that he treasured along with the artifacts and possessions he kept at his dwelling. There was a group of individuals that actively searched for the cure, but Rhastulah was perhaps the most prominent member. Imagine the wealth of knowledge the man possessed! Perhaps their combined findings would move them closer to curing this horrific disease! However, Kep quickly realized that he wasn't certain this was Mr. Ghurst. The chance of this being a different deer parili were slim, but not impossible. He decided to follow the group and confirm that this really was the Rhastulah Ghurst before he jumped to conclusions. He silently crept after the investigative team as they went deeper and deeper into the sewer. Kep decided that if it seemed like the Ash, the man taking up the rear, was onto Kep, he would just pretend to be casually moving through the sewers and happened to be taking the same route as them, after all, there were several places where people resided within the sewers.