[center][@BranchOfSin] [h2][color=violet]Autumn[/color][/h2] Autumn laid there for a few moments, mind wondering what in the world just happened. Had she walked right into someone and fallen like the klutz that she was? Oh how embarrassing if that was the case. She had never been able to walk across a flat surface before without stumbling and she also had a bad habit of not watching where she was going, something Aiden loved to tease her about. A voice broke through her inner worrying and red eyes glanced to the side, seeing a male staring down at her with a hand held out. Her cheeks flushed red. So she did bump into someone. What a way to make a first impression. She timidly reached out placed her small hand into his, climbing to her feet. Her cheeks colored darker when she saw her art supplies scattered about them and accepted her pencil case. [color=violet]"T-Thank you."[/color] She said to the male shyly as she began picking up the rest of her stuff, not realizing her sketchpad had fallen open to the mermaid drawing, the pad resting by the males feet. [hr] [@ScienMalefica] [h2][color=red]Aldous[/color] | [color=lime]Aiden[/color][/h2] Aldous stared at the male with narrowed eyes, wondering if this person was playing with them or something. There was something about that smile that he didn't like and he was debating taking his siblings somewhere else. He glanced back at Alastair and felt a jolt of panic when he didn't see Autumn sitting there. [color=red]"Alastair, where's Autumn?!"[/color] The serious triplet glanced up from his camera and looked at his older brother. [color=lightblue]"Calm down Aldous, she's just across the courtyard over there."[/color] He told the oldest demon, pointing in the direction Autumn had gone. The oldest sibling turned and let out a sigh of relief when he spotted his little sister. Aiden meanwhile was still staring at the male. [color=lime]"I'm Aiden, the older one next to me is Aldous, the boy behind me that looks like me is Alastair and girl is Autumn. So what's your name?"[/color] [h2][color=lightblue]Alastair[/color][/h2] After Aldous had turned away Alastair went back to flipping through the pictures on his camera. They were mostly of his siblings, both posed and unsuspecting shots. The rest were random things, flowers, other people, sunsets and sunrises, etc. As he sat there, he was brought from his little trance by a voice speaking up in front of him. He glanced up, seeing a girl standing in front of him. As she stuttered her way through an introduction Alastair felt something odd happening. He had no reason to be feeling joy but he could felt a small amount of the feeling inside him. He narrowed ruby eyes at the girl. [color=lightblue]"If you are the one trying to alter my emotions I would like for you to stop."[/color] He stated.[/center]