It is the year 5012, and it has been 100 years since WWIII ravaged the surface of the planet. the war forced the major countries to build special cities that could float in the sky approve the clouds and away from the nuclear radiation. The floating cities sit high the atmosphere and have environmental controls that can change the weather, filter sunlight to avoid UAV poisoning and creates oxygen for the inhabitants inside. The number of Floating cities depended on how many survivors of each country. The population of the planet has halved in size because of WWIII. The only way to go from one city to another is the floating sky ships that range from small private ships that only the rich can afford to the large carriers that transport the middle class. Throughout the whole planet only the High, middle, and working class were given shelter in the floating cities because they were the ones that were found in the designated safe zones.(there are people still on the earth’s surface but those are people like the monks in the Himalayas, and tribal groups that refused to leave.) The cities are all interdependent of each other and constantly trade goods in between cities to keep the peace. Each city has its own Robotic security system to stop crime from happening in the cities. The UN was reestablished as the main governmental power in the aftermath. The new UN Empire was as prosperous as the main powers of the world were before the war. All the cities have the same educational system. All children are taught the basics until they graduate high school. Each subject is graded separately so that the school can figure out what job the child is best suited for. At graduation each student is given a diploma and a job that they will learn about by being an apprentice to someone who is experienced in the job. It has been so many years since anyone has seen the surface, that some believe that there is no returning to the surface. even the UNE has announced that they have shut down the drones that were searching the surface for life, since they kept coming back negative. this is the story of a group of strangers who were all on a passenger ship that crashes on the surface and they must ban together to survive this new unknown world and try to return home. Also they learn about the secrets under the clouds (rules: no god modding, no killing or controlling other people's characters without permission, everyone is a civilian and if you have experience with guns it is limited so no one is an expert marksmen yet, also weapons are not picked up until after the crash, knives, swords. I would like a variety of jobs so try not to have the same job as other people.)