Finnegan listened as best he could, but soon found himself listening to the voices in his head. He'd gotten the basics of the mission. He'd finally be heading out on a mission. He'd only been out on a minor mission only once before, but was usually left behind with his brews. Not that he minded. After all, he could usually count on Erin visiting him at least once a day, and she'd usually stop by right after she got back. Finnegan had grown to like and care for the Mediwitch, perhaps a little more closely than he cared to admit. Finnegan pulled out his wand, running his hand across the length of it. An unusual wand due to the core, it seemed to suit him. After all, just as the Veela hair made for a temperamental core, Finnegan himself had become fairly unpredictable with his mood since his... "accidents". Finnegan let his thoughts roam free, the voices chiming in various things as his look glazed over and his body became unresponsive due to Alorra's question that she [i]not[/i] be the Mediwitch to go to McCarthy manor. Finnegan felt a need to have Erin there, as she knew how to best deal with him. His thoughts ran free from that point, mostly trying to figure out what she meant by that wink. [color=blue]"Maybe she really likes you more than she lets on."[/color] one voice said. To anyone who had been around him enough to see a catatonic episode, it was obvious he was unresponsive to any questions directed at him. If someone were to move him, he'd stay frozen in that position. To those who didn't know him, it might seem like he'd just slipped into a trance, or been hit by a curse of sorts.