Kristof had been shoveling sweet delicious morsels into his gullet left and right. Thank the heavens all of it was for free! Most of the other people in the cafeteria had long backed away from the man. While his fourth dimensional powers of taste and smell had been stripped away in sector Zelta that did not deter him. In fact, it was as if every meal was new to him yet again, not having eaten without his improved taste-buds in quite some time. Just as he finishes his seventh pork bun a hand is placed upon his shoulder. Swiftly turning about Kristof comes face-to-face with a man of middling years and powerful stature. "Aha! A man of my own kind!" the strongman stands up, speaking with his mouth slightly full as well as in broken Japanese, outstretching his hand for a mighty shake, "Glad to meet you Mister Garsin, you may know me as Kristof Brandt! And that is correct, they've taken us against our will as it were." With a hearty chuckle Kristof gestures for Garsin to sit down with him and partake in the feast.