Accepted Character of King Kindred: Name: Alexander Clarke Alias: Doesn't have an official one yet. He feels like his new friends could help him with that. Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Alex stands at about 6'2 and gained the scar through his lips when he was a kid. He almost always wears the white hoodie of his. The only time he doesn't wear it is if he's sleeping, washing it, or doing something that would get it dirty, wet, or damaged. Underneath it he's probably wearing a graphic tee and he mostly wears jeans. He also usually wears sneakers. He also got a tattoo on his arm as soon as he turned eighteen. Powers: Tactile Telekinesis: His whole body is completely surrounded by an invisible aura of telekinetic energy. This aura protects him from damage as well as provides him with enhanced strength. Due to inexperience the aura isn't that strong and he is able to get hurt and he's not as strong as he can be. He can however will the aura to disappear to allow himself a bit more freedom. At the moment he can only extend the area as far as his clothes. With training he is sure that he could become stronger and even develop more telekinetic abilities as seen in movies or read in stories. Telepathy: His secondary power is telepathy and due to inexperience and only personal training it is limited as well. So far he has only shown the ability to read minds, speak telepathically, learn languages via telepathy, and create temporary mind links with others. Mind reading is second nature to him and he has to stop himself from wanting to listen to what other people are thinking about. Especially when they're talking to him. The temporary mind links place a strain on his mind and he feels more pain the more people he's connected to and the longer they're connected. Bio: Alexander comes from a wealthy family. His ancestors were rather influential in Great Britain. One of his ancestors was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution. His grandfather decided to branch out of Europe and decided to move to the United States to start what is now known today as Clarke Global. The company focuses primarily on technology and technological advances, but we're really not here to talk about the company. We're here to talk about Alex. Alex lived a life an ordinary kid in his standings would live. He didn't very much care for his wealth or the company he was destined to run. He really only cared about having fun. His father was more strict on him than his mother was. Alex always understood why though. His grandfather was a very strict man and wasn't someone he'd want to get upset so he usually stayed out of his way whenever he visited. He wouldn't really call the visits, visits though. They were really always business discussions. Life was alright until one day when he was twelve. He was kidnapped by some guys who expected a ransom, but if only they knew his dad. His mother would've cried for him to pay the men, but his father would've said something about not negotiating with criminals or terrorists. Plus they already had another kid who could be the heir to the company if he was killed. Yeah, his dad sucked. Anyway, when the guys were told they weren't getting a penny they decided to show Alex's dad that they were serious about their demands. They decided that they were going to torture a twelve year old kid. They cut his lips deciding to make the heir to a fortune ugly. Unfortunately for them it made him look better as he got older and they awakened something inside the kid. Alex's mutation activated at that moment preventing them from cutting him anymore. They were shocked that their knife bent against his skin. Alex was in shock with them, but used this as his chance to escape. He rammed into them with his head and felt no pain or discomfort, but they certainly did. Alex was glad that he watched a lot of movies and used the chair breaking escape thing in most action movies to break the chair so that he could escape. He grabbed one of their flip phones and used it to dial 911 as he ran. The guys were arrested and the family lived happily ever after. They didn't. Alex couldn't wait to tell his parents about what happened. They came to the conclusion that he was a mutant. They were horrified at this, but was glad that the mutation wasn't obvious. They told him never to use his abilities around anyone. Especially not their "friends" and business associates. Alex hated that they were stopping him from being who he was. When he was fifteen he learned that he could read minds and as he started to use it more he learned about other things that he could do. Due to him potentially running the business one day his parents got him learning different languages and he learned them rather easily. His parents started focusing more on his younger sister since she was the normal one. The one that wasn't a filthy mutant. He listened to their thoughts a lot. After he graduated High School he convinced his parents to let him go to the Grinder and that they didn't have to tell their friends and associates that, that was the school he was going to. They eventually conceded and let him enroll and here he is.