[center][color=00aeef][b]Fayth Morrow[/b][/color][/center] Fayth's fists rained down. A torrential burst of bloody knuckles smashing Anton's face in. Spatters of blood flew across Fay's face. Her crimson red eyes, glaring with fury. Inside, the true voice of Fay was trying to reach out. Stop the monster within that was created long ago and through no fault of her own. A darkness within her that was designed for survival of the fittest. If she continued to hammer Anton like this, it was likely murder would be on Fayth's hands. Then she heard footsteps come through to where she was. The mere scent of another person was able to slow her down. But she threw one more punch for good measure. Spots of blood on her face, hands drenched in it. Fay turned her gaze to Kalib and for one moment, it looked as though she was going to use him as her next target. But the color of her eyes began to shift back to normal. Rather than her human blue, the unnatural violet of both sides came through. She looked stunned when she stared at her hands. In horror. Realizing what she had done. "Oh god… Oh god! No no no!" "Kalib, help me… Please!" Her voice was a beg. So different from what she just was. Fay furiously scrubbed her hands together. "So much blood, so much blood!" Her hands ran up to her hair and Fayth couldn't stop dragging her fingers through her hair. Shaking her head. Looking at the point of sobbing. With all the will power inside of her, Fay dragged herself away and ended up curling up with her back against the other wall. "Make it stop, make it stop… Make it stop!"