Accepted Character by HHShetland: [b]Name:[/b] Sumat Ibras Akkarmoon Sajak (ਸ਼ਉਮਤ ਇਬ੍ਰਸ ਅਕ੍ਕਰ੍ਮੂਨ ਸਜਕ) [b]Alias:[/b] Raja Naga [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male Sumat is one of the unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on who you ask) mutants who possesses a very obvious physical difference from a normal human. Broadly speaking, his mutation makes him resemble a muscular, seven-to-eight-foot-tall four-armed Snake-Human hybrid, as shown below: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] The clothes he is wearing in the above image is his combat attire; he usually just wears a pair of cargo trousers (with a hole for his tail, of course). He can't wear proper shoes, and even if he could, he would never cover his toes (see below for why). He also tends to forgo shirts a lot of the time, because... well, he has four arms. He sometimes wears tank tops, though. PS: I drew that picture myself, so you'll have to use your imagination to make up for the errors. [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Enhanced Strength:[/b] This may sound straightforward, but it is important to note that most of his extra strength is granted by his extra arms. If he purposely restricted himself to just one pair of arms, his strength would be on par with a non-superpowered champion weightlifter. So while he could pick up a car, for instance, it'd take some actual effort; he can't do silly things like rip fire hydrants out of the ground effortlessly, or fling about trucks willy-nilly. It should also be noted that his extra arms require a lot more energy than the average person, which means his craving for food is greater than most people's. [b]Enhanced Dexterity:[/b] This is more of a Required Secondary Power that enables him to multitask with his extra arms without tangling them up. [b]Snakelike Senses:[/b] As a result of his Snake DNA, he perceives the world in a similar manner as a Snake. He has a keen sense of smell, provided by his tongue, and can detect even slight vibrations on the ground and in the air with his sensitive toes (which is why he hardly ever covers them). He also possesses an organ hidden beside each nostril that enables him to 'see' heat, in the form of infrared radiation; including the body heat of warm-blooded creatures. Objects hotter than room/ambient temperature appear to him in sharper focus and leave a distinct, trailing outline which glows in the dark; the effect becoming more pronounced the hotter something is. If blinded, he could still navigate using his heat and vibration senses. As a drawback to all of this, his normal eyesight is rather poor; even with glasses on, he'd have trouble reading a presentation on the other end of a ten-row-long lecture hall. [b]Venom:[/b] It may take some work to bite a resisting target, but contained within his mouth are retractable fangs which contain a potent neurotoxin. It takes a particularly extended dose to kill somebody quickly, but even smaller doses may lead to severe brain damage, including epilepsy or dementia. Sumat prefers not to use his venom unless his life depends on it. [b]Skin Regeneration (AKA Moulting):[/b] Not so much a power as it is a necessary evil, Sumat occasionally has to shed his skin. He tends to get noticeably more irritable when this happens. [b]Bio:[/b] Born on the Indian side of Punjab to an impoverished and illiterate family, Sumat's mutations lead a few of the devout locals, including his own parents, to consider him a real-life Naga, and a potential avatar of one of the Gods of Hinduism. His arrival caused considerable uproar amongst the locals; as Naga are considered nature spirits capable of bringing both fertility and natural disaster, many were considering dropping him off outside the city limits to avoid the risk of a disaster, while others were keen on keeping him around. The debate was ended for them once news of Sumat's birth spread beyond the slums of Ludhiana and he appeared on Indian national TV. Sumat's family began to hide him away, but he was eventually discovered by a man who owned a popular Circus. The man offered Sumat's family over five million Rupees to buy off the now-five-year-old Mutant as a sideshow attraction. Despite his mother's objections, his father found the offer too tempting and accepted. The living conditions at the circus were barely better than the slums, and his 'owners' demanded that he exercise frequently so he could perform crowd-pleasing feats of strength. Luckily for him, he was bought off again three years later, this time by a wealthy British-Indian Philanthropist who sought to raise him as a normal person. He moved to the UK with his new adopted father, who set about giving him a proper education, but was also forced to keep him largely isolated from the public, for they, too, would no doubt turn him into a sideshow again. Ultimately, Sumat learnt most of the basics, including learning to write and speak English fluently (and with an impeccable accent, too). But his experiences back home had lead him to believe that he could only really achieve success as a sideshow attraction, and that 'mutant equality' was a PC lie. Thus, he moved to the United States... and became a Pro Wrestler, under the monstrous, boastful persona of 'The Raja Naga'. He had always kept up his exercise regimen since he left the Circus, so raw strength was in no short supply for him. Despite, naturally, being the new 'Monster' on the scene and always being set up as the villain to destroy all who cross him but eventually be taken down by the hero, Sumat never really cared, as it was a living and that was all that mattered. As time wore on, however, he came to believe that maybe his adopted father had a point, that he was wasting his teachings, and that he was destined for greater things. So, as soon as the latest championship was over, he retired from Wrestling and appealed to the Grinder to enrol as a mature student, determined to act on his epiphany.