[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/aNxUFYE.jpg[/img] [i]The Grail Wars. A bloody battlefield that oft spread out to include the innocent and yet was never known to exist by the general public. It was a bloody ritual sacrificed disguised as a mass ritual to summon heroes of ages past and future, bound as Servants to Masters, put in 7 different Vessels, all for the chance of being granted a wish by the omnipotent Holy Grail. Once again, a new Holy Grail had been awakened, and summons champions to seek out its blessings. It was quite unfortunately timed however, that it coincided during a Magi civil war just barely kept secret from the public. The Church, as always stood by, but there were rumours they were trying to shift the war from the shadows. Now with the start of the Grail War, the all three of the Magi factions went into a frenzy, each one trying to secure a leyline near a far off city of Chernyy Ushchel'ye in the middle of Russia where the next Grail War will begin. [/i][/center] [hr] So by now, you'd probably realize this is an rp about the Grail Wars. As mentioned in the info, there will be 7 pairs of Masters and Servants each vying for the Grail for whatever reasons. Masters who lost their servants can still participate, if they manage to contract another servant, but servants who loses their masters will often just disappear, unless they somehow manages to hold on until another master forms a contract with them. This will start just before the Grail War, when the summoning begins for the servants. People unfamiliar with the series are welcome, and I'd be happy to help you with any questions you might have. Rules of the RP: 1. All forum rules apply. Be cool like Fonz. 2. No metagaming, powerplaying, goddmodding, or any other dickish behaviour. 3. Should you feel that something is wrong or anything, please do have a civilized discussion about it. It is a Fate rp after all, and sometimes there are conflicts. 4. GM gets the last words should any problem arises. Hopefully they don't. 5. Steel fuel can't melt jet beams. [hider=Servant CS] Spirit:Which Hero are you? Master:Leave blank for now. I'd would randomize the pairings later. [u][b]STATS[/b][/u] [i]From E- to A+++[/i] Strength: Endurance: Agility: Mana: Luck: Noble Phantasm: [u][b][url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Class_Skill#Class_Skills]CLASS SKILLS[/url][/b][/u] Each Class gets a set skill from being in that vessel SABER: Magic Resistance & Riding. This class often has a high magic resistance. ARCHER: Magic Resistance & Independent action. LANCER: Magic Resistance RIDER: Magic Resistance & Riding. This class obviously has a high level of Riding. CASTER: Territory Creation. How extensive it is depends on the Servant in question. ASSASSIN: Presence Concealment. BERSERKER: Mad Enhancement. [u][b]PERSONAL SKILLS[/b][/u] [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Skill#Personal_Skills]See here for reference[/url] or create your own. You can choose up to 5 skills for your servants, as long as they fit the history and legend behind that Hero. [u][b][url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Phantasm]NOBLE PHANTASM[/url][/b][/u] This is the legend of your hero manifested. Name: Type: Rank: Range: Maximum number of targets: Description: [/hider] [hider=Servant notes] Servants are often Heroes of ages past, or at least a figure with some renown. Depending on their legend, they are then fitted into one of the 7 Vessels, the rule being only one of each vessel may be present at one time in the Grail War. The Vessels are [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Saber]Saber[/url],[url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Lancer] Lancer[/url], [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Archer]Archer[/url], [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Rider]Rider[/url], [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Caster]Caster[/url], [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker]Berserker[/url], and [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Assassin]Assassin[/url]. Each of them will receive a trump card, as a Manifestation of their legends. Some are more recognizable than others. For instance, Excalibur is one of the more famous swords, leading to it being easily recognizable. Knowing a Servant's identity can mean between life and death, since their other attributes like their weaknesses are revealed. [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Servant]More indepth info on Servants here.[/url] [/hider] [hider=Master CS] Name: Age: Appearance: Background: Affiliation: If any, like to the church, magi etc Traits: Your master's abilities, whether they learned magecraft, or whatever else. Others:Anything extra you might want to add. [/hider] [hider=Master notes] Masters are usually magi, people with a sizeable amount of [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Magic_Circuit]Magic Circuits[/url] in their body to generate prana. Normal people usually has a very small amount of Magic Circuits or none at all. Usually magi would cultivate magic circuits through their generations, so magi family with a long history may produce offsprings with more magic circuits consistently. All Masters in the Grail War will receive [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Command_Spells]Command Seals[/url], a sigil made out of three parts typically located on the back of their hand, to command their servants with. Note however, that normal people may suddenly mutate a large amount of magic circuits, despite not being from a magi background at all. Also note, some servants drain a lot of prana from their masters, which could cause death should the servant be unable or unwilling to control its prana consumption. [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Master]More in depth info on Masters here.[/url] [/hider] And this is the copy pasted(mostly) OOC. REJOICE. [hider=Previously Answered Questions] Q.Will we be choosing servants or is it random pick? A.Random. Everyone will be making both a Master and a Servant, so we don't run out of either, and so its easier for me to make a pair without anyone being Masterless/Servantless. Q.Are you expecting casual/high casual for this? And how often do you want posts? A.Casual. I don't expect a whole page of words, but I do expect coherent posts with meaningful content rather than just describing the cracks in the walls for three paragraphs. One liners are just bad. Once per day should be a reasonable enough pace, I'd wager. [/hider] As a side note, DO NOT post your characters in the character tabs until your CSes has been looked over and accepted.