[u][b]Master CS[/b][/u]: [hider=My Hider] [b]Name[/b]: Rose Andrews [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i889.photobucket.com/albums/ac98/popchin/anime-girls-anime-girls-7738194-498.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Background[/b]: Rose stumbles her way out a little known magi family that has set up in the American Southwest. She was the second born of the children in her house but her magical abilities far exceeded the potential of her elder brother. Because of that it was always assumed she would inherit the family crests over him. She was raised training hard to reach her parents expectation while competing with her brother for the right to inherit the family magic. The debate between her abilities and his birthright was finally decided when command seals appeared on her hand. If she wins the grail, she will inherit the family's legacy, if not, he brother and rival will win. [b]Affiliation[/b]: none [b]Traits[/b]: She has trained as a mage for almost her entire life. She specializes in pyromancy, healing, alchemy, and geomancy but has never exceeded at being a master of any one style. She is skilled but is almost a textbook mage. [b]Others[/b]: She has considerable wealth. Her family is willing to pay any price for this rare chance at the grail. [/hider] [b][u]Servant CS[/u][/b] [hider=My Hider] Spirit: [url=http://www.simohayha.com]Simo Hayha[/url] also known as the White Death Master:Leave blank for now. I'd would randomize the pairings later. [b]STATS[/b] Strength: E Endurance: C Agility: C Mana: E Luck: D Noble Phantasm: C [b]CLASS SKILLS[/b] ASSASSIN: Presence Concealment A [b]PERSONAL SKILLS[/b] [u]Extreme Focus[/u] - rank D- once looking down the sights of his rifle he cannot be distracted by illusions or sounds. [u]Clairvoyance[/u] - rank C - able to see with clarity over vast distances [u]Disengage[/u] - rank B - Able to break away from combat at will without being followed [u]Instinct [/u]- rank D [u]Protection from Arrow[/u] - rank C - as long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of -effect NOBLE PHANTASM This is the legend of your hero manifested. [u]Name[/u]: White Death [u]Type[/u]: Anti- personnel [u]Rank[/u]: C [u]Range[/u]: 400 meters [u]Maximum number of targets[/u]: 1 [u]Description[/u]: This is a physical manifestation of the iron sighted rifle that he used to rack up the death toll of the Russians during the second world war. This weapon deals icy damage in addition the damage from the projectile. If the shot does not kill his target, the target is at least slowed considerably. [/hider]