For those who need to know... Zombie Goblin [x3] HP: 20/20 Attack: 8-11 (figured from 1d3 + STRmod) Defense: 6 (figured from STA) M.Def: 1 (figured from WIS) Strength - 15 Endurance - 15 Stamina - 15 Agility - 2 Dexterity - ?? Magic - ?? Wisdom - 2 Spirit - ?? Intelligence - 1 Luck - 2 Ini - 14 (figured from AGImod + 13) EXP: 2ea We FINALLY have a non-boss battle! WOO! By the way, I rolled a 1 on my initiative roll, so... I will be going last, lol... though, I did get 17 initiative for Backstabs, so, there.