[@XxLyraxX] [i]"Alastair, where's Autumn?!"[/i] Seph cursed under his breath. So Alastair was the serious triplet, not the older one. Well at least he found out before he made a mistake and called the older one Alastair. [i]"Calm down Aldous, she's just across the courtyard over there."[/i] Aldous. So that's his name. Seph murmured incoherently to himself, more an instinctual habit than an attempt to communicate in any manner. He licked his lips and shifted back into his Seph form, the dark smile he was giving looking a lot more natural on that face. [i]"I'm Aiden, the older one next to me is Aldous, the boy behind me that looks like me is Alastair and girl is Autumn. So what's your name?"[/i] "My name? I have countless, just then I was Aiden, at the moment my name is Seph, but who knows who I'll be later in the day?" Seph grinned, seeing people were starting to head off for homeroom. Suppose it makes sense for Seph to be on time for at least the first day, have to scope out the competition after all. "See you fellow freaks later," Seph chuckled as he walked off to his homeroom, his hair turning red and shrinking in height, one eye turning red and the other yellow, his skin lightening to an alarmingly pale color. Silver gave a sigh at the behavior that Seph had partaken in. "Well, time for homeroom," he said in a flat monotonous voice, his eyes seeming completely devoid of life. While Silver was being his usual self, dry and quite robotic in his mannerisms, Lux was quite the opposite, all smiles and happiness. "You seemed like you needed cheering up, if you don't want pure joy is there anything I can do to put a smile on that face?" she asked happily, noticing some students were heading for class but not wanting to be rude or make the very serious boy any more upset. In that train of thought Lux completely forgot to stop the flow of joy, the subconscious transmission making it stronger and closer to ecstasy.